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Xanthe 05-27-2015 08:16 PM

Avalon: The Legend Lives - DIVINE ONYX GEMQUEST
There are fifteen divine gems in Avalon, each of which offering great power to the person lucky and skillful enough to earn them. A divine gem's gift is bestowed upon the person who throws it into the pool atop the Rock Pinnacle granting them a chance to be a contender at the final gem which awards
the most remarkable apotheosis in all Avalon: the right to become a God.

As appointed from the Paradigm Ranger, Sylvanus god of the earth shall be continuing towards our next Ordination with the quest for the divine onyx.

The quest will be held on SATURDAY the 27TH of JUNE at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST. The Onyx bestows upon its wielder the access to all of the varied animal forms, as well as joining the illustrious ranks of the contenders for ordination.

This quest, like the sapphire, will be held on the battleisle and its format shall be the SANDS. Read over HELP BATTLEISLE and HELP SANDS for more details.

As per the format, he will be starting with four teams, those who wish to captain should notify him of their intent. Team selection shall be by captain's choice, with an eye for balanced and fair teams. Bonds such as citizenship and guild alliance are not relevant during such events. All are encouraged to participate, those of all sizes and skills are welcome.

Those with questions are welcome to direct them towards Sylvanus, god of the earth via tell or message.

Type JOIN GEMQUEST to declare your intent to participate!

Elsalvador 06-01-2015 11:39 AM

Re: Avalon: The Legend Lives - DIVINE ONYX GEMQUEST
Sands quests are a great way to learn from experienced fighters in Avalon. It was great to see so many participating in the last one and I hope we see some new faces for the next one!

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