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Brody 04-23-2006 09:47 AM

Finally, it's the second in a series of character development workshops here in the forums. These are creative exercises in which participants try to design their own unique character based on a couple of key words or concepts I provide.

For our first effort, I'll suggest: happy-go-lucky and politically oblivious.

You take those concepts and drum up a couple of paragraphs about a character of your own making, in any game theme you choose, whether it's an established franchise or original-theme game. SF, fantasy, Wild West ... doesn't matter, as long the character comes from your mind. Have fun!

Brody 05-04-2006 02:46 PM

A friendly bump to see if anyone wants to get in on this workshop before it fades off the board.

John 05-04-2006 06:43 PM

Sure I'll have a go at one:

Anavias was born in the 6th year of the 21st Age to two Borsail nobles. Born into the richest noble House of Allanak, Anavias didn't have much to do with his parents, instead being raised by House servants and slaves. His servants attempted to instruct Anavias in his studies, however he found his lessons exceedingly boring and would shirk his studies whenever he could, often bribing his tutors with the illegal drug, spice.

On his thirteenth birthday, lagging behind severly in his studies, Anavias was given into the care of his brother's and sisters' main tutor, Caro. However having seen so many of his relatives assassinate each another when they began to excell in their studies, Caro helped foster Anavias' decadent ways, hoping that everyone would dismiss him. It worked, with everyone assuming that Anavias was politically oblivious. As a result, Anavias had a fairly happy-go-lucky childhood, and by his eighteenth birthday the senior nobles finally gave up on teaching Anavias any lessons, finally allowing him to no longer attend them.

Brody 05-23-2006 08:37 PM

Good stuff! Anyone else want to chime in?

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