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Old 08-01-2006, 08:32 AM   #39
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 113
The_Disciple is on a distinguished road
It really is, and that's not me slamming you.

I have friends who are beer snobs. They exclusively drink more expensive microbrewed beers. A few even brew their own. They can't fathom how anyone could drink Budweiser, and by saying that I don't mean they can't understand why anyone would prefer Bud, I mean they can't understand why anyone would even put it in their mouth on purpose.

And yet, for all of that, Budweiser breweries spill more beer on the floor each year than the microbrewery of their choice sells. Which, then, is the better beer? Like almost anything else, it's a matter of opinion.

Often they'll swear that if all the people drinking Bud tried a "real beer", they'd never be able to drink Bud again, just as you'll often see people here saying that if Med players tried a real MUD they'd never go back.

In both cases, this is true to a degree, and false to a degree. Let's take a Med player whose favorite part of the game is the limited PvP aspects. Get them to try some of the "better" PvP MUDs out there, possibly including some with Diku roots (e.g. Shattered Kingdoms, Carrion Fields) but much greater tactical depth and possibly including some with deep but very different systems (e.g. Godwars 2, Achaea). Now, I bet if you did that 10 times (substitute different kinds of MUDs for Med players who prefer different aspects of Med), a few of them would leave for one of the new MUDs and never come back.

But, you know? I bet most of them would prefer Med and go back to it, genuinely convinced that it's better. You can get people to try out microbrew beers, but some people just prefer Budweiser.

And now off on a tangent:

You're not actually saying that there's nothing special to distinguish your game before the n-hundred-hours-in endgame, are you? It sounds like you're saying that, but that can't possibly be true?
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