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Old 03-16-2006, 05:16 PM   #70
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 147
Soleil is on a distinguished road
True, if you define the 'mudding community' as the people who read TMS, TMC, and Mudmagic forums. In the end, the people who read this forum and the other MUD forums are a very small minority of the people who play MUDs. In Medievia alone, before we started the voting stuff, most of our players never heard of the MUD sites. Even after we have promoted TMS and TMC on the game with echos and so forth, still not many of our players care to come here and read and discuss. What I'm trying to say is that yes, this argument may deter some people from trying Medievia and has in the past I'm sure, but the audience of these sites is only one place out of many that Medievia is listed and advertised. Word of mouth is still, by far, the #1 way people hear about Medievia. On any given day, people joining the game from "Mudportal" is about 10% of our total new character creations. Of that 10% how many have read these threads and care? If they cared, why would they log in in the first place?
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