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Old 01-04-2004, 12:54 PM   #35
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 153
OnyxFlame is on a distinguished road

Delerak, you're neglecting an important factor here. In a classless system, what says you pick what skills your char will have when you create him? I know some muds work that way, but not all by any means. And even if you do start out with several skills, what says you're any good at them? If you start out with a minimal skill level in them, and then discover you'd rather learn something else instead, you can always neglect that skill and learn others.

In DM, the only skills you start out with are the absolute minimum required to function in game - fluency in the common tongue, and in your racial language(s). After that, what you learn is entirely up to you. Some combinations are next to impossible to learn properly, but that doesn't keep you from trying to learn them anyway. And since there *is* no skill for "talking your way out of a situation where a baron wants to kill you" or "persuading someone to do what you want" or "becoming popular", there are plenty of ways for chars to do things they don't actually have skills for.
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