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Old 02-09-2007, 07:46 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
My first roleplay character was on Midnight Sun in the (WAY) early 90's. It didn't take me long to realize I was not in a roleplay environment. Perhaps it was the Druids speaking in Dutch(?) on the channel line.

I then moved on and played for a little on Genesis, where I was confused that I could not figure out people's names without asking them. The confusion went away as I realized the importance of such a feature. This character, too, was short-lived after I ran into a smurf.

I bounced around for years, playing many different MUDs and leaving my mark on only a few. I ended up playing quite a bit at Threshold-RPG where I had some of my longest lived roleplay characters, and some of my most interesting roleplay experiences.

My character their learned quite a bit of love and loss, he was quite inexcusably smitten with what had to have been the most doltish female character within the guild. She would always lead him just to the brink of certain demise.

There was a defining moment when he finally had the sense slapped into him. She asked to look at a magical scroll, one which held the incantation for fireball. He made sure to tell her multiple times not to read aloud the incantation before handing it to her. Of course, she read it aloud, killing the familiar he had a strong bond with and damaging him mentally and physically.

I learned quite a bit through role playing this character. The most important rule I learned is not to take to heart all that is game. For that is all it is, you can't put too much of yourself into a character, because then you are almost certain to always become disappointed when things don't go your way.

Over the years i've found it more and more difficult to devote much time to RPing
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