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Old 10-06-2002, 01:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Plymouth, Indiana USA
Posts: 30
TG_Hammar is on a distinguished road
Tarmon Gai'don, a premier Wheel of Time MUD, will be having a very special Open House event from Saturday October 12th until Sunday October 20th.

Some events will be scheduled during this time, and others will be spontaneous. There will be a minimum of 1 quest each day during standard MUD hours (4pm to 11pm EST). More than one quest, or several mini-quests are possible each day.

There will be prizes, rewards and recognition along with enhanced leveling through additional experience adjustments all during the Open House.

We have recently added several staff members including an eager quest-master. We currently have 15 open guilds, each offering its own flavor to the MUD and roleplaying community.

If you have never heard of Tarmon Gai'don, please let me describe us a little. Our MUD is not just "based upon" the series of Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan, but rather we are an extension of the books. We, the staff of Tarmon Gai'don, have worked extremely hard over several years to create a world that is unique to the theme of Wheel of Time MUDs. Our areas are not just 100% original and unique, but they are also built to exacting standards with every scrap of information that can be gleaned from the books concerning each area. We have a very special clan/guild code that you may have seen on other MUDs, but originated with Tarmon Gai'don. Our specialized guild system allows us to guide the quality of RP and character interaction without too much interference by the staff. Our code also a unique greeting system so that you do not see the names of the players you interact with until you greet them and they greet you. Until you greet you only see their nationality (ie. An Andoran smiles at your ---after greet---> Craeg smiles at you). There are so many features unique to Tarmon Gai'don that I cannot list them all here, so you should goto:

If you are either new to the Wheel of Time, or are new to MUDs in general, you should check out:

As said before, Tarmon Gai'don follows the books very closely, and our RP timeline does the exact same. For years we have delayed the following of the book timeline and stayed at pre-book 1 until we felt we were ready. As of November 1rst, Tarmon Gai'don begins book 1. The Wheel has begun its turning and those who turn with the Wheel for its full turning until the next Age will have the chance to enjoy Tarmon Gai'don to its fullest measure.

Every player, one and all, is invited to our Open House.

Whether just to visit, or to stay awhile, come see a Wheel of Time MUD that is NOT "loosely based" on the books, but rather a Wheel of Time MUD that would do Robert Jordan proud. port 5000 port 5000
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Old 10-11-2002, 12:21 AM   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 2
tgsiuan is on a distinguished road

I want to add my Invitation to all of you out there that truly love the Wheel of Time to give us a visit during the Open House there are some fun things planned. The fun begins Saturday October 12th and continues (officially) until Sunday October 20th though personally I think our place is fun even when it isn't having an Open House. Hope to see you there!

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