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Old 09-03-2003, 11:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Sanvean is on a distinguished road
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Armageddon is a highly modified, role-play intensive Diku-based mud, boasting a long, rich, detailed largely driven by its players. A  sophisticated, detailed world provides the backdrop for a game brimming with political intrigue, fraught with danger, hardship and mayhem, and capable of supporting any number of different roleplay styles. In crafting your character, you can choose between becoming a hardened, battle-scarred mercenary, a shifty, thieving elf, a jaded spice-trader, a humble crafter, the lowliest beggar, or the aide to a powerful merchant.... the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.  Some of its dedicated players have been participating in this work of art for over a decade.

Some features of Armageddon include:

* No levels. Advancement is skill-based, and while the skill-system is rich and complex, the highly role-play intensive environment allows a creative player to progress and succeed without ever making use of a coded skill.

* An [, with a dynamic, player-driven story line.

* Highly original and unique combat and systems.

* An filled with dedicated role-players who are genuinely interested in telling a within the harsh-world setting.

* Startling attention to detail -- cloaked figures actually -look- like cloaked figures, the emoting system is extremely expressive and powerful, alcohol and spice have real, coded effects, characters of different backgrounds and races are able to speak and learn a variety of different , realistic legal and criminal systems, and a world that comes alive with activity.... the list is endless.

* An active, invested staff with a professional demeanor.

* An exhaustive website with information for both new players and veterans.

* A dedicated playerbase with to answer any questions players may have as well as a set aside specifically for new players to ask questions.  

We're looking for imaginative, creative role-players to come join our immersive experience.  Will we see you there?

Armageddon MUD.
Roleplay required. 4050
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Old 09-05-2003, 11:58 AM   #2
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Jazuela will become famous soon enoughJazuela will become famous soon enough
I'm not an IMM, but I saw Sanvean's post here and thought I'd chime in.

First of all, the IMM staff is the best I've experienced in the games I've played so far. Granted, I don't have that much variety to compare with, a half a dozen games with any significant amount of time played, and a few dozen games that I showed up in, looked at their mud school, and walked out again, never to return.

I'd like to add to all the points that Sanvean made, that Armageddon is *player* friendly, but it is not *character* friendly. It's very important to be able to grasp this idea.

There is no mud school, but there are TONS of documents and help files both in and out of the game, a helper system, a "wish" command to contact any available IMM in-game, an official bulletin board forum, an unofficial IRC chat room...

So there's really no excuse for someone to just show up and start wailing on NPCs expecting to be treated well, or asking, "were do u get exp" to the nearest PC.

It's a difficult game to learn, but people who are REALLY into roleplaying and enjoy the addition of code to support the roleplay, would probably catch up quickly and enjoy the heck out of Armageddon.

If you are only a part-time RPer and a part-time H&Ser, you -might- enjoy it, but you'd need to accept that spending a few days doing nothing but typing commands to boost your skills won't get you anywhere in the game world, and will also likely get you warned by an IMM to cut it out.

MUSHers, on the other end of the spectrum, might find the coded combat and crafting and other stuff difficult to get used to, but again, it depends on your personal interest. If the idea of using code doesn't bother you greatly, or you're just curious about it, I would recommend Arm as a place to give it a shot. Just remember in Arm, we don't tell people what we're feeling in a "direct" manner using our emotes/poses. Things such as "Sue looks sad because she just lost her best friend" would be considered inappropriate, because there's no way for me to know why Sue looks sad just by watching her movements.

As a hybrid coded-combat and *strictly* enforced RP mud, I would give Armageddon a solid 8.5 out of 10. The usual out of game politics that come with EVERY game drops it only half a point since it really isn't all that bad in Arm.. and I drop one point because there is ALWAYS room for improvement in every game. The good thing is though, Arm is always improving.
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Old 09-07-2003, 02:01 PM   #3
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Delerak is on a distinguished road
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