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Old 05-27-2002, 10:08 AM   #1
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weiss is on a distinguished road

Hmmm Ok I've been wondering this for a while.

On the mud I play, we have a certain player (he's been around for about a year or so now). He has several high level characters, and is a member of a guild. Whenever you talk to him, he comes accross as very newbie ish, Twinkish I suppose. He means well though, he is fairly young, (14 or 15 rl). Everybody on the mud is fairly mean to him (I am guilty of this too), he doesn't really mean any harm, but he is always making somewhat of a nuisance of himself (I'm sure we've all seen his type around). What my question is, is this... At what point does being mean become "too mean". I find myself reading peoples messages to him and thinking to myself, yes I know he's annoying but he doesn't deserve that much abuse, while at other times I get as annoyed as everyone else. It's got to a point now where even the immortal staff publicly have a go at him some even have their test characters having <anti playername> in their title which I think should _not_ be allowed. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar people to this, and how they dealt with it.

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Old 05-27-2002, 01:17 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Vesper is on a distinguished road
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I know what you mean, Weiss, and as for other players being mean to him...there's really little you can do. That's the way people are. Somebody rubs someone else the wrong way, in the MUD world at least, it isn't something that is easily forgotten.

However, if Imm's are doing this...abusing somebody, "being mean"...regardless of whoever it is, that's just ridiculous. IMM's should be there to set an example, not play along in this party. Lord knows if a mortal decided to make a character for the sole purpose of mocking an immortal...well, it'd be over for him/her.

If anything, the immortals should act a tad bit more maturely in this situation.
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Old 05-27-2002, 01:50 PM   #3
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When is mean "too mean" would probably be up to the player taking the abuse. He doesn't have to log on and take the abuse, and there are plenty of other places for him to be. He could try to change the way he acts if he didn't like the abuse, but by now people's sentiment towards him are probably set. It's sad to see, but sometimes people just wear out thier welcome.
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