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Old 02-28-2017, 03:25 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2
wastedshame is on a distinguished road
Talking Funny Posts

I'm actually pleased that there is a section for funny rp-related stuff. I'm an admin on a MUD, and I post funny files with humorous snippets from the game on my dA sometimes. I thought I'd share a few here.


Hatsukoi blinks, then grins over again shaking his head. "I'm relieved then. You mentioned earlier you find dates a waste of time. I just hope I did not make this too identical to a one." No. It's a date. It's definitely a date to him. The servant pops another 'dumpling' into his mouth. Yummm. It tastes better with the presence of Majo in the room. Hatsukoi gazes at her fondly, as he always does. He would feed her if she did not have those boundaries implied.

Majo listens to Hatsu as a realization sets in: he still considers this a date, or he would not have mentioned it. Her first instinct is to dump her portion of dinner into the fire, but she is too hungry to do that at this point. Instead, she tips over the teapot so that the steaming contents go directly into Hatsukoi's lap. After that, she makes a point to steal two of his dumplings and kick him under the table. The witch prepares to finish her meal in silence.


Casimir feels those eyes and peers at Romero, "Draw a picture, it'll last longer."

Romero returns his gaze to Casimir, unimpressed. "I would, but I grew out of drawing turds back in primary school."


Tae could melt into another world, one with just Anemone and herself when they touch and kiss like this. She brushes her fins against those indigo scale and strokes her thumbs against her mermaid's cheeks. She feels so calm, even if her news is troubling. Tae nods slowly, "I must admit.. I feared something would happen to you if I told you, my love, so I kept quiet.. but doing so has proved itself a poor decision. I'm guilty in all sorts of ways.." She sighs, bubbles floating from her lips. "Remember when I was hurt by the vampire and the lion.. when Rue was in danger? Well.. this same vampire is looking for me. I have a dreadful premonition that she will try her best to kill me." She watches Anemone's expression, "She left me two dead birds, two notes of how she hasn't forgotten me. I didn't want anyone else to get involved.. especially you."

Anemone looks thoughtful as this information is given to her, and she lightly kisses Tae on the lips. "She will not harm you. I will try to eat her. If I cannot eat her, then I will what what you walkers call hire a mercenary to do away with her. I have gold to do this with. Bring a mercenary to me, and I will give them the shinies, and your tormentor will be their problem. If she keeps pursuing you I will hire more mercenary until many mercenary are after her. Only when she relents will my gang of mercenary be told to stop. It will be just fine. In the meantime, please point this woman out to me. I will attempt to eat her, and I will enjoy rending the flesh from her bones and relish the taste of her in the name of love." Pet pet, caress. "Is there anything else I can solve for you today, my treasure?"


Endora looks over to Galahad and smiles when she is done stirring her cauldron, moving toward her paladin at a slow shuffle. The colder the weather, the worse her joints. When she gets close enough, she proceeds to sit in the nearest chair, Hilda still brainstorming in the corner. Her tail continues to flick back and forth like a metronome, biding her time. Rather suddenly, the cat springs from her perch and onto the kitchen table, running down the length before tipping over the chair wearing Galahad's jacket. She then sits on the chair back and pins the paladin with a glare, daring him to move her. Come at me, bro.


I could share more, but have a giggle at those.
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