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Old 03-17-2005, 11:41 PM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 13
Aidan_RoD is on a distinguished road
Realms of Discordia is a MUD that opened for player-testing about eight months ago, and since then, the changes have been astronomical in comparison the place this once used to be.

The staff of RoD all work together very hard to make the game a great place for people to interact and play, and the coders are always making changes and implementing player ideas as well as staff ideas into the code to make things even more unique and diversified.

There is also an excellent MUDschool that will introduce alot of things to a New player, including commands, a place to practice and train, and an easy to navigate area that will take you upto level 5. If there is an occasion where you cannot find information within the MUdschool, there is an extremely up to date and extensive helpfile system.

The game also offers a wide selection of races and classes, each of which is treated differently in the World. Templars are reveared, and mages are feared. These are only a few of the views you will find expressed in Realms of discordia. Some races may be hated because of a skill they have, others may be hated because they are inherintly evil or because they have had some bad events happen in the past.

The game is designed to cater to anyones needs, if you want to be a hardcore roleplayer, feel free to roleplay as much as you wish. If you want to become a powerful Sorcerer, you may do that...A powerful and praised warrior, no problem!

Roleplay is regularly rewarded by the immortal staff and you can use these rewards to buy everything from corpse retreivals, to special races and classes. Though these special races require alot of hard work to get, they are more than worth it, both from a roleplay perspective and an exping perspective. You may also level solely by RPing if you wish to. As you accumulate RP points, you also accumulate exp until eventually you will level.

There is also a HUGE selection of skills for each class, and most of the spells are only available to one certain class. Sorcerers have Access to advanced attack spells, while Mystics dont. Each class has access to basic skills such as forage, scavenge, preserve and weapon skills, but as stated, they also have unique spells and skill only open to them.

Though the game is designed to cater for all needs, it is also not designed to be easy. If you like a challenge, you will enjoy exping at RoD, if you incorporate your hunting exp with your roleplaying exp, then levelling will not be that hard. During your search for more powerful monsters and better equipment, you will enter over 6500 completely original rooms in over 100 custom designed areas.

Everything in the MUd has also been redesigned over the last few months and the changes were implented about two weeks ago, so everything is different, even for players who were once familiar with the MUD.

What really makes the MUD work is the players and their constant contributions that improve the MUD. There are normally 10-20 players on each night, all willing to help you anyway possible, and all willing to roleplay and interact with you. Anything you need, ask and we will help you to the best of our ability.

Within the game, you are also able to find three distinct monarchies, all ran by the players and staffed by the people who have worked their way into the positions. We just implemented a brand new monarchy system that really makes things more realistic.

There is also a great forum, that is regularly update with new competitions, events and char histories. There is also a suggestions board where you can post anything you would like to see.

So, take visit the website to find out more. Alternately, you can just connect right upto the MUD and check us out.

IP & Port: 9000

Hope to see you there.
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