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Shattered Isles - MUD Details
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MUD Name Shattered Isles
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MUD Forums
Language English
Location United States
Admin Name Snaek & Austere
Theme Island based medieval fantasy
Brief Desc Rumors abound of dragons and wyverns across Archai, a medieval world of six elemental deities including Light and Shadow. Featuring a unique merchant system, politics, PvP tournaments, and crafting in a rich, role-play enforced environment. Free to play!
Date Added 14th May, 2009
Codebase CoffeeMUD - Modified with S.I. Engine
World Size Large (6001-10000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Game Rating Inappropriate for children under 13
Player Killing Unrestricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Mandatory
Online Status Open for Testing
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Medieval
Avg Players Online 21-25
Year Created 2008
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Supports MCCP
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders

Shattered Isles - MUD Description
Shattered Isles is a medieval-themed fantasy world where vast oceans have separated Archai into five inhabited island regions. Four of the large islands represent each of the world's elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Located centrally is the fifth isle, New Archai--the melting pot of the world.

In Shattered Isles there are 16 different races from which to choose: one of four different Elven races severed by The Great Shattering, Dragons, Wyverns, Dwarves, Goblins, Gargoyles, Humans, a giant canine race known as Vukasins, faerie-like Sylphs, a giant humanoid race known as the Argali with horns much like a ram, giant Gavial lizards, and the Bolinau, a race of bipedal river creatures; think Otter meets Hobbit.

The player classes consist of Air-mages, Earth-mages, Fire-mages, Water-mages, Thieves, Assassins, Scouts, Barbarians, Warriors, Templars, and Priests.

The merchant system of Shattered Isles is a huge aspect of the world. All players regardless of class have the opportunity to learn most gathering skills and some basic crafting skills. Even more crafting skills are available to those who portray their character as a merchant and have paid proper dues to the Archai Trading Company. Player merchants may purchase shops for buying and selling goods and are entitled to custom orders throughout the year.

Role play is strictly enforced by a dedicated and available staff, while conflict and fighting between players is always encouraged! What you won't find in Shattered Isles are flashing colors, annoying Out Of Character channels that take away from the environment, having to track down your dead and looted body, or a MUD straight out of the box with nothing unique to offer. In Shattered Isles we've spent more time than we would like to admit focusing on the smallest of details. We take pride in providing a world in which you can truly immerse yourself.

Five things that will help you get started

Shattered Isles is best enjoyed using . See what plugins and tips players have added at .

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