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Dark Horizons - MUD Details
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MUD Name Dark Horizons
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name BeTrayed
Theme Dark Horizons, the Rise and Fall of the Ancients.
Codebase ROT - Highy Customized
World Size Medium (3001-6000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Avg Players Online 6-10
Year Created 2003
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders
  • Hiring Coders

Dark Horizons - MUD Description

It was rumored the One that Noble Men simply called "Wisdom" brought forth the prophecy. Whispers of it ran rampant through the lands until it dissolved into legand being handed down from generation to generation. The dream spoke of an era of Peace and Honor and the Rise of the Fabled Ancients, a class of warriors and magi that none could defeat. But pride and arrogance would breed among the elite and soon they would struggle amongest themselves, setting off a chain of unstoppable war and destruction. The Gods merely watched as their creations were destroyed one by one, for even they dare not interfere with the great prophecy understanding that the mortals would reap all that their evil had sown.
Smoked stung his eyes and clawed dryly at his throat as the dawning sun struggled to filter through the ruin and rampage that had destroyed the great city of Gaalstorm. In his blood and dirt caked hands the Orb of Life just faintly gave off any light. The young warrior carefully wrapped up the failing Orb, remembering the whispers words from his Grandfather's knee. "When the Age of Peace and Honor have passed. When the rot of death and the stench of betrayal fill the land, watch carefully my son for He that will emerge from the east, for his justice shall surely illuminate the Dark Horizons."


We have 201 mortal levels, 4 tiers and a special Ancient
level. 28 classes, equally same amount of races. Time
bonus code that gives you ability to make more xp per kill
the longer your playing on the mud. A happy hour system,
where at certain hours in the day it is engaged and enables
double xp and double qp during that time as well as quad
damage to all npcs (for faster leveling).

Limitless Hitpoints/Mana/Move, and various other very
creative features. Fully functional OLC extended with
features to really help builders.

The list goes on....

--Just come try it out!

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