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Dragon's Gate - MUD Details
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MUD Name Dragon's Gate
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Mothership Games
Theme Swords, sorcery and intrigue
Brief Desc Celebrate our 15th Anniversary! Join a world rich in history, exploding with quality RP and a thriving, friendly community and staff. Play a Dragon! Enter a land where you make a difference and your imagination is your only limitation.
Date Added 8th April, 2002
Codebase Custom
World Size Huge (10001-20000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Fantasy
Avg Players Online 51-75
Year Created 1989
Vote URL
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Payment Required to Play

Dragon's Gate - MUD Description
Your torch flickers desperately a final time before it burns out, leaving you suddenly very cold and very alone in the vast darkness. A strange overwhelming stench of death and decay is all around you, and within the shadows you feel the eyes of something watching. Insidious laughter fills the air, a horrible mocking laughter that sends shivers up your spine and leaves your legs frozen in abject terror. The air pressure in the room drops alarmingly as the massive creature in the shadows begins to fill its lungs. Your brain cries out for you to run but your legs refuse to respond. Suddenly a brilliant light flares before you, revealing the form of a massive Dragon practically filling the space; it is the last you see before the flames roaring from the creatures mouth engulf you, and then there is only darkness…..

This is just a small part of the world of Dragon's Gate, though it may look like someplace you've been before, Dragon's Gate is unique unto itself and holds many surprises for you. Dragons Gate is a massive text based world of adventure role-playing where the action is nonstop 24 hours a day. Just a few of the things that make Dragon's Gate so unique in the adventure game role-playing community include:

• A dedicated and caring staff working 24 hours a day to make the game a better place for you.

• One of the VERY largest worlds of any RPG game, featuring over 12,000 total rooms and growing daily.

• A community of players and staff who pride themselves on their roleplaying.

• Dragons Gate offers 20 different race choices and 14 classes offering more variety than almost any game on the market.

• Dragons Gate allows you the chance to play Dragons!! In the world of Dgate, Dragons progress through different life stages from young humanoid like Dracos up to the massive full grown Dragons of fantasy lore.

• Dragons Gate allows ALL players to take part in scenarios and quests, we do not make people pay extra to enjoy what we consider the best part of the game, we just require a little motivation and creativity!

• Dragons Gate offers optional games and tournaments where players can compete against one another in massive team battles or one-on-one, utilizing the Spurian arena. These features are in addition to the rich and absorbing role-playing environment found in the Dragons Gate setting.

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