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Vega4 - MUD Details
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MUD Name Vega4
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Wolfgang
Theme Science Fiction/Fantasy
Codebase MUSH - Pennmush 1.7.4
World Size Small (less than 3000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Futuristic
Avg Players Online 1-5
Year Created 2000
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders
  • Hiring Coders

Vega4 - MUD Description
Vega4: the fate of your race could very well rest in your hands.

The year is 2054, and war has broken out once again. This time, a member of the Grand Warrior Race has been held captive over Vega 4, and the leader of a group of powerful, mystical warriors called the *sari* has made a claim that the alien soldier is really the reincarnation of a famed *sari* lord: the same *sari* lord who sacrificed his life, using an ancient artifact, to restore Vega 4, the homeworld of the humans, to life after the 'unknown' alien force had laid waste to it.

Is this one Grand Warrior Family soldier the key to lasting peace in the known galaxy? Or is it all for nought, once the malevolent 'unknown' alien returns to exact revenge upon the reincarnation of the *sari* lord?

Combat Features:
- Advanced Hand-to-hand Combat Subsystem (read: KARATE)
- Turn-based attacks, with the ability to utilize multiple styles/skills/etc.
- Fast-paced and multi-faceted
- Weapon speeds
- Skill-based performance in weapon usage, defense techniques, etc (many to be implemented)
- 'Karma' -- where the outcome of a previous battle (or other RP events can help determine the outcome of future battles.
- Even More!!
Space Features:
- Dynamic, REAL-TIME combat situations (*)
- Almost ONE THOUSAND star systems to explore
- Forty-four different ship/station types
- Multiple weapon platforms, including nine different types of missiles
- Multiple aspect targeting: you can target different sides of a ship, or even different systems!
- Precision maneuvering, down to the meter!
- Active 'research and development' amongst the Players, where you can actually code future weapon/technology improvements
- More!!!
Other Features:
- Economy System under development!
- Four different major races to choose from, plus the future addition of up to six more minor races.
- Dynamic plot lines, where even the aforementioned minor races have a chance to make it big, or where one or more of the major races could be reduced to ashes!
- Psychic/psionic/mystical characters!
- Many feature characters still available, including empire heads!

(*) Real time = 1 second per turn -- about as fast as you can get!

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