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Altoria MUD - MUD Details
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MUD Name Altoria MUD
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Maxim
Theme fantasy
Brief Desc Altoria MUD is your World! RolePlay is the most important thing in our MUD. Forget your real life! Since you connected to Altoria you are not a farmers, students, workers, etc. Now you are Humans Fighters, Elves Druids and so far.
Date Added 7th December, 2007
Codebase CoffeeMUD
World Size Medium (3001-6000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Game Rating Not Specified
Player Killing Unrestricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Fantasy
Avg Players Online 26-35
Year Created 2002
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Supports MCCP
  • Supports MSP
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Private Messaging System
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders
  • Hiring Coders

Altoria MUD - MUD Description
Altoria MUD is your World!

RolePlay is the most important thing in our MUD.
Forget your real life! Since you connected to
Altoria you are not a farmers, students, workers, etc.
Now you are Humans Fighters, Elves Druids and etc.
Now Altoria is your home.

If you PKiller, you have to explain for yourself and
for other players, why are you PKiller? Mayme because you
kill for money (good way to be Assassin) or maybe you
just burglar?

Original story!
Voiting system!!
Full clan support!!!
Quest system!!!!
You can buy your own house!!!!!
You can be sick and you can own a child!!!!!!
This and much more...


General Features

- 7 base classes, 38 subclasses, 6 player races, and over 1200 spells, prayers, songs, skills, and abilities;
- Over 700 socials;
- Mud wide quest support, including automated, time-based, and event based triggering!
- Descriptive combat system with race-based natural weapons, ranged weapons and spells, and mounted combat;
- Contagions and diseases built into the engine. Catch a cold when naked, or poison ivy in the forest;
- Player lieges and vassels, area Conquest engine, and Legal systems;
- Player banking and postal systems serving players or clans or both;
- Full Deity support, with automated blessings to the faithful and curses to the wicked;
- Full Clan support (5 types of clan to create available), including politics, alliances, and automated membership management;

Areas and Rooms

- Area based climates, seasons, and weather changes that affect game play;
- Numerous terrain types, including underwater areas requiring spells to breathe;
- Water rooms requiring swimming abilities;
- Air rooms with gravity, so items and mobs can fall!
- Pits you can fall into, and other deadly traps;
- Cliffs requiring climbing ability;
- Cardinal exit directions and many types of doors and exit types, including drawbridges, gates, panels, grates, portals, ladders, curtains, etc.;
- Mud wide skys and oceans!
- Homes and property real-estate system for players and clans;
- Customizable conquest system to allow you to conquer and control areas;

Player and MOB features

- Wimpy mobs, aggressive mobs, race/alignment protecting mobs, healer mobs, teaching mobs, shopkeeper mobs, swallowing mobs, money changer mobs, chatting mobs, rideable mobs, dragon mobs, guarding mobs, scavenger mobs, thief mobs, mending mobs, etc;
- You can customize your character by training their stats, gaining new skills, and practicing ones they know;
- Mobiles can chat with you;
- Fantasy race-based language support with real language-based translations!
- Players and MOBs can teach each other their skills or even their language!
- Usage of abilities and spells dependent on proficiency, practice to learn!
- Mage skills include brewing, scribing scrolls, recharging wands, revoking, plus 300 spells to learn and cast!
- Fighters can fight two handed, sweep, cleave, trip, blind fight, kick, roll with blows, break weapons, dodge, parry, disarm, kick dirt, whomp, and more!
- Thieves steal, pilfer, detect, disarm traps, bribe, backstab, poison, sneak, observe, bind, sap, shadow, lay new traps, listen, and much more;
- Clerics can turn undead, command, heal, protect, animate, lay hands, cast over 200 different prayers, and suffer the wrath of their god when they fail;
- Bards have lots of unique skills, plus 150+ songs and dances with group wide, or all-enemy effects for all who hear!
- Druids control and use weather, polymorph themselves and others, and have access to over 200 unique chants;
- Saves against poison, undead, fire, cold, gas, and much more;

Armor, Weapon, and Item features

- Item/Armor/Weapon material types and weights;
- Armor condition/damage, sizing, and repair;
- Multi-spell scrolls, and wands with secret invoke words;
- Weapon sharpness and condition;
- Wands, Staffs, Traps, wearable pouches, boats, horses, and much more;
- Beds you can lie in, chairs you can sit in, etc.;
- Weapon specializations based on class;
Skills and trades for players to make their own mundane items!

What else you need to live?

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