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Age of Deities - MUD Details
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MUD Name Age of Deities
Telnet Address
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Mythl
Theme A medieval fantasy mud
Codebase Lp MUD - Dead Souls Mud Lib
World Size Small (less than 3000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Open for Testing
Category Medieval Fantasy
Avg Players Online 1-5
Year Created 2007
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders
  • Hiring Coders

Age of Deities - MUD Description
Greetings Everyone,

I'm here to let everyone know that Age of Deities is hiring creators and builders to help us out. We are an lpc mud running on the Dead Souls 2.4.2 mudlib using MudOS v22.2b14-dsouls2 driver.

Age of Deities is a stable new project with many features and a vast diverse world system in the works and soon to be implemented.

Our theme: A medieval/fantasy based theme with a lot of flexibility. We will have an RP aspect as well, but RP will not be fully enforced. We also have our main theme story completed as well that can be read on our forum ( for those that are interested.

What we are looking for: First of we are looking for mature people with a good attitude that have professional outlook and can finish what they are assigned in a timely manner. We are /not/ looking for people who will just log on once a month or so and do nothing except idle. You should also have the ability to know/abide by all creator/mortal guidelines. If you are that person, read on.

If you have a great imagination and wish to share to share a piece of that with the world our system has the flexibility to make that dream come true. From original guilds to truly interactive areas, your are only bound by your potential to code what you would like to achieve.

If coding in lpc is not your forte you will have access to the QCS system which allows you to create mobs/rooms and objects on the fly with the ability to edit those files with the help of capable staff to allow you to do so much more with these items.

You do not have to be an elite lpc coder; all we ask is that you have patience and a willingness to learn and from there the pieces will fall into place and you can put your dreams into action.

We are /not/ a here today, gone tomorrow mud on some unstable server. This is a long term project with a lot of potential to come from it.

Our world is continually growing with more to be implemented as more decisions are made. We also offer a relaxed and helpful atmosphere and a game where you can do more than just level and take the stress away at the same time.

If this is something that interests you, please check us out at port:6666 and if you have any questions or are interested in a position you can talk to Mythl or Selena.

Hope to see you all soon and come join us on making this world a great experience. Thank you.

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