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Adventures for Ancient Wisdom - MUD Details
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MUD Name Adventures for Ancient Wisdom
Telnet Address
Language English
Location Finland
Admin Name Seandr
Theme A fantasy realm where everyone has the potential o
Brief Desc AAW is a delightfully wicked blend of codebases with incredible modifications. We have so many extras that can't be listed here, check out our website or just log in to what will be your most enjoyable, fun and satisfying MUD experience ever!
Date Added 10th September, 2000
Codebase DikuMUD - Diku/Envy/Merc hybrid w/tons of modifiys
World Size Huge (10001-20000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Accepted
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Medieval
Avg Players Online 11-15
Year Created 1997
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Multiclassing
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play

Adventures for Ancient Wisdom - MUD Description
AAW is an ever evolving MUD, many new and unique features have been coded into the game. Most MUDS have mprogs, but how many out there offer substantial oprogs and rprogs, so that objects and even rooms can interact with you and your characters actions? We also have an extensive pet system. Pets can be leveled, wear EQ and even have custom names and descriptions.

We also RDL (Room Description Langue) which allows builders the ability to make it so that room descriptions (and other things) say one thing in daytime and another at night, or to have descriptions in the different languages of the realm. MSP (Mud Sound Protocol) is being implemented and many of our areas now have their own .midi files attached to them to enhance the game play experience.

AAW offers many races and classes, with more in development all the time. Newest class to be added are druids. All characters are dual classed so that you get all spells/skils from your primary class and s/s up to level 30 in your secondary class. We also offer many different clans for your choosing, from evil to good, heavy empahsis on PK to no empahsis.

New original areas are constantly in development, we seem to be opening 1 to 2 new original areas a month lately. Our new original mud school, Academy of Wisdom gives newbies a great start as to how things work on our unique MUD.

Our latest effort to make the game more appealing to our players is developing a game-wide theme as to how areas got where they are in the realm, and to have a storyline that links everything together. Grand City, our hometown, is getting a makeover to be more theme-like.

We've also upgraded the MUD server which gives us the potential to keep on creating new, original areas and add many more of the amazing coding changes that our coder and head IMP Esa churns out. If you take the time to log on you'll see what we mean, Esa is amazing and the MUD shows that from the moment you log in.

So take some time, and get lost in your Adventures for Ancient Wisdom!

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