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Prufrock 06-19-2004 03:35 PM

Angie 06-19-2004 03:50 PM

WarHound 06-19-2004 03:54 PM

Kenjar 06-19-2004 04:09 PM

I'm going to suggest Armageddon, because even though I don't play it i'm sure it fits all your requirements, and everyone else seems to love it.

And isn't midnight sun a pay game?

Edit- Ah, no, that's 'The Seventh Sun', Sorry.

Fifi 06-19-2004 08:53 PM

Actually Kenjar, we do not fit his criteria. But we appreciate the mention anyway.

We believe we're the best mud anywhere, however, we are not relaxed and leisurely. We're passionate almost rabid about the mud, and while we are having fun, we take our fun seriously.

We also require an app, that must be approved before playing. That seems to intimidate some people. Which is a shame, but not enough of a shame to out weigh the benefits of the system.

That said, Prufrock, come take a look. Maybe you'll find that you like us.

Angie 06-19-2004 08:59 PM

No, Midnight Sun never was and is not a pay game.

And we have no plans to make anybody pay for playing, for benefits nor for anything else.

Sacac 06-19-2004 10:48 PM

Markov_AU 06-21-2004 03:51 PM

You might want to give Adventures Unlimited a try, we have our players act mature, and we pride our selves on being a friendly enviroment (though not alywas ICly of course)

Kaleisha 06-21-2004 10:19 PM

Perhaps you might want to check out Evarayn, from what you have posted it sounds like it might suit you. I know how hard it can be hard finding the perfect mud, and what is right for me is not always right for everyone else.. so I can only suggest you take the time to read our website at and the reviews posted here at TMS. Or log in and check us out at and decide for yourself it suits, we're always happy to see new faces and you'll find the players more than helpful with getting you started.

We offer a fairly relaxed roleplay atmosphere, most of our players are of a more mature level so don't require the heavy policing you may have experienced elsewhere. Evarayn is a roleplay mud, we require players to be in character on channels and ingame, however we do have a global ooc channel for comments not suited to the ingame environment.

Everything in the realm is created by the players, ships can be built, weapons smithed and repaired, garments sewn and customised to your needs. Pets are bred and trained by players, some being rideable and some even have the ability of mounted flight. Much of our roleplay is player led, with the gods aiding with local messages and sometimes props to add atmosphere. And, most importantly ......

We have just as much fun running Evarayn as the players have playing it


Jada 07-03-2004 07:33 PM

Nutai 07-04-2004 12:29 PM

Yes, Eternal Struggle would probably fit what you are looking for, if you are looking for a place to relax and roleplay without having to deal with a whole bunch of numbers and crazy, non-sensical items. Players shape a large part of the in-character direction of the game, and give quite a bit of input in other areas, as well.

April 07-04-2004 01:52 PM

The Turning Point Mud

In my opinion, TP is all about the role play, the community, the involvement. And the standards and present state of all are extremely high. The website is a wonderful resource filled with invaluable information about the game which I will not begin to ramble about in-length here.

The level of role play at TP is the highest I’ve ever experienced in any Mud, the opportunities are endless, the players are friendly, the storylines are interactive and in-depth and the place is just overall a barrel of monkeys, I mean, fun.

Check it out. It’s an awesome and rewarding place to play.

Caggles 07-05-2004 01:58 AM

dragon master 07-05-2004 12:45 PM

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