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torhan 05-16-2003 04:35 AM

Elysiums Gate mud is looking for immortals who to fill some important positions. We want people who can think up new ideas and give us ways to improve our mud. We are a fairly new mud, looking for builders, head builder, and any other position that a mud might need.

If you are interested in a RP enforced, slight pk, All origional AREA fantasy mud, Multiple World, Fun energetic enviroment then come on over to <a href=" target="_blank">Elysiums Gate Mud</a>.

Thank you in advance to anyone interested.

Torhan Sacras

Taniquetil 05-16-2003 11:09 AM

so, if I'm tired with the same ol' MUDs, what's the differance here?

torhan 05-16-2003 02:30 PM

The difference here is that we have totaly new ideas we are implementing daily, we are getting new ideas from other players and immortals and implementing those. We refuse to use stock rom areas. We want to become a mud that people talk about and want to be a part of.

That is why we arent the same ol' Mud.

Torhan Sacras

Adarkts 05-16-2003 03:37 PM


Taniquetil 05-17-2003 08:33 AM

I'm sorry man, but running a MUD without stockareas is to be frank the only option these days. New ideas, creative and all, but like post above, examples....

torhan 05-18-2003 02:22 AM

Example eh: well think about this, you enter a world where you run around with your friends, leveling, doing unique quests, finding items all the fun stuff, then you come across an ancient ruins where a gate glows as you get closer, in your inventory you see the key start to glow from your last quest.  You approach the gate and boom, you find yourself ina whole new world to explore, new areas new mobs, new quests.

At Elysiums Gate we are offering a world beyond worlds, we offer a parallel world where new things happen daily.  We are working on an advanced AI system so mobs interaction will almost seem human.  We have introduced our own version of OLC, that is modified to fit any new needs for our builders.  We have so many ideas its insane, We just need to staff and dependability to make things happen.  

If you want more details, why dont you join us at

Torhan Sacras

Terloch 05-18-2003 02:35 AM

At least the "same ol' muds" have skills and spells when you create. I can give you some credit though, with the exception of mud school and limbo all of the stock ROM areas are gone, but for pete's sake, at least change your login screen or something from the stock one...

Ideas are great, but you all have a long ways to go, good luck finding staff and changing things around to how you want them...

torhan 05-18-2003 02:46 AM

Well something to keep in mind I am looking for Builders and coders, not people to tell me i dont have skill and spells avaliable, I know that considering i disabled them.  We presently are adding new skills and spells, as well as groups for the different classes.  But You didnt stay on long enough to even listen to anything i said, The src has been up for some time, modified away from stock, Its just Builders can sometimes be difficult to come by.  So if you want to actually know whats going on, stay on longer than 10 seconds.

Taniquetil 05-18-2003 02:36 PM

A parallel world, I'm guessing another zone/zones linked to the bigger world. Nothing new I'm afriad. I just wanted to know what's different with your MUD and so far I've seen nothing. Having object codes (making items glow), nothing new, offering quests, yes almost all MUD do, having them unique, yes I better hope so. But nothing of that is new.
Guess the search goes on.

torhan 05-18-2003 05:14 PM

your assumptions are wrong. remember assumptions are the mother of all screwups. Do not assume.

KaVir 05-18-2003 05:37 PM

While that is true to a point, it's also fair to say that Taniquetil (and everyone else) can only judge by the information you've provided. If you fail to list anything that makes your mud different, then you shouldn't expect us to simply assume your mud is different. There are a lot of muds, many of which make unfounded claims, and so experienced mudders have learned never to take such claims at face value.

Taniquetil 05-18-2003 06:26 PM

A few more comments.

So hosting a MUD is sometimes terrible buisness, you have this great idea you wanna do, it might not be that different, but you really wanna do it. So how to get these builders and coders. Well unique and different seem to be nice words to use.

But before throwing yourself into something you can't handle (eg. saying you have something unique to gain benefits), give it a few thought, will you keep your "easy earned" builders and coders, I think not. Stateing that you're different and unique means you have to prove it, which none of the above posts do. Not my point to just be bitching, but I just hope people stop "bending" the truth to get new members....

/ Tired

torhan 05-18-2003 11:56 PM

I was not trying to bend the truth. I dont even want to get easily earned coders or builders. We have some great features already in the mud. My point of getting people to come to my mud is so i can show them what we have, answer questions, and just generaly show them what i have, if they dont like it, they can leave, doesnt hurt my feelings, i know how it is to get a mud started. Its a pain. Sorry if i have said anything to offend anyone. I am just wanting people to give me a chance. Tis all.

Elysiums Gate MUD

Terloch 05-19-2003 12:13 AM


First off, I'm not flaming you, and I hope I didn't come off as rude when I logged on a couple nights ago. When I read your post on here, I had a little interest, I always love seeing new things. So I logged on. Immediately, I see a stock ROM entry screen, a very slightly modified character creation process, and I enter in good old mud school. That's my first look at what you are doing, and first looks can make or break someone, they mean a lot. I'm aware you are new and working on things, but look at it from the other side, if you want to make people WANT to be a part of your project, project something that they actually want to be a part of. If you have some revolutionary ideas, post a vague bit of info about them on here, that WILL pique interest if nothing else.


torhan 05-19-2003 12:28 AM

Taniquetil 05-19-2003 02:00 AM

Now that's a lot better.

Keljorian 05-20-2003 12:41 PM

Sounds like an intresting mud just from the posts. Just to help you out a little bit what exactly are you looking for in a builder? Do the descriptions have to be a certain length? Do you allow the word You in any of the area descriptions? How much color do you allow in one room description or in the name of the room? What is the main terrain of the mud, or is there a huge varritey to the point where the builder could build any type of terrain area? Just a few things that you might want to reply about to give builders kind of a heads up about what to expect. I found this usually works out better posting it then waiting till they sign on.

torhan 05-20-2003 07:22 PM

OnyxFlame 05-21-2003 10:22 AM

torhan 05-21-2003 12:02 PM

I agree there that skil rot needs to be based off your skill with the spell or what not. And i used to play a mage, so i know what you mean by the previous comment. Things are being thought over, I may just harass you for you advice soon.

Thank you,


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