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Old 05-19-2002, 01:24 AM   #1
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Old 05-22-2002, 05:07 AM   #2
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Yes it did.


This is Industrial Heavy Merde thrown at us. Attack of the Crap.

Lucas has definitely lost his touch. This is like a 100% original codebase with uniquely advanced features with Midgaard as starting town.
The bottomline is that SW went steadily downhill after Episode V.


Attack of the Bore
The first two-thirds of the movie are a constant bore. As Anakin and Padme hop from location to location, the plot drags on and on and on. One endless lag. We are supposed to see the dual development of Anakin's love for Padme and his slow slide into the dark side. What we do witness is a completely inane pseudo-romantic comedy in the Star Wars universe. Lucas' fumbling attempts at character building as well as Hayden Christensen's (Anakin) limited acting skills lead only to deep disbelief when Amidala seems to be smitten by him. Hey, even if the roles of Padme and Anakin was played by Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, and directed by Nora Ephron, the result would have been better.

Character de-building
Attack of Captain Obvious. To make sure the stupid viewer understands Kenobi's a poor teacher, he also becomes an inept Jedi. He pilots like dirt. He's useless with a lightsabre. His demeanour does not command respect but pity. In Episode I, he was a dashing, if impatient, young Jedi. In AOTB, he's an utter failure, trailing along wherever the plot carries him. You can almost hear him thinking "1 - Get over this drag. 2 - Fire Agent."
No wonder his padawan has no respect for him - young milkfaced Mark Hamill played a more credible Jedi than him.
As for Anakin, gee, Captain obvious again. Aside from the sub-par acting, he's so arrogant and self-centered, you have to wonder why Lucas didn't simply put in a subtitle "ANAKIN IS TURNING TO THE DARK SIDE!" every time he opens his mouth. His claims to love Kenobi like a father are completely phony. Perhaps this was the intention - yet I suspect there was supposed to be a father-son relationship in the originial script. Well, it's completely botched.

Jedi knights? Bah!
So the dark side become stronger? The Jedi are weaker? Well, it's clear as day in this flick. The Jedi council looked wise in Episode I. Now they look disoriented and clueless.
A Sith Lord is grabbing power right under their nose, but they don't feel a thing - even after Dooku's warning (Bah, he's evil, so he must lie. We don't need to investigate - yet we know there's still at least one Sith beside Dooku on the lose since Episode I). At the same time, Yoda immediately senses Anakin killing a tiny Tusken village several parsecs away.
Come on.
OBK in Episode IV and Qui-Gon were some kind of role-models of the Jedi. You don't see any kind of wisdom or "deep connection with the Force" at all in this flick.

The ending would have been cool, but...
Once the arena scene begins, I was so utterly disappointed by that lackluster movie that the battle scenes were unable to rescue the movie.
OK, some cool sabre fights (I did like Yoda's. That one was fun). At the same time, too many sabre fights, not enough focus.
And where are those space flight and space battle scenes which Lucas was so famous for in the first Trilogy?
Twenty-five years ago, Lucas had been able to convey the impression of a vast universe and the deepness of Space which revolutionned the genre. Now we get only a planet-hopping road movie mixed with a failed romantic comedy.

The world was better off without this prequel trilogy. Episode II made that cristal clear, for all those who still had hopes after Episode I.
Never has "A New Hope" been more aptly named...
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Old 05-22-2002, 11:29 AM   #3
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Personally, I think the most horrifying thing ABOUT the movie
was the final arena Jedi v Droid thing.

We were lead to believe that Mace Windu was supposedly
this biiiiiiig bad ass with a lightsaber.  I don't think I ever
laughed so hard in a Star Wars movie.  He was slower than
dirt, there was nor form or flow in his attacks - hell, I've
never had an ounce of training but I've picked up a bokken on
more than a few occassions and think I could've taken him.
GODS he was slow.  And HIM taking out Jango Fett?  Even
after J got run over by the uber-rhino I didn't like it.

The REST of the Jedi in the battle?  There is one girl with
her hair wrapped around her head who looks like she is
parrying blasts with the dexterity of a 4 year old girl.  And all
the bloody posturing in the battle is ridiculous.  The Jedi are
outnumbered at least 20 to 1 and we're constantly shown
brief cut scenes of Jedi taking out droids followed by a much
not needed victory pose.  There was no flow, nor form.  Bleh.
Did anyonc check the credits - was there even a fight

At the place where I work, we decided Luecas needs "A Guy".
Now, this Guy's sole purpose would be to say 'no' to really
stupid concepts.  Normally I think they call these people
editors or QA - I think Luecas needs some.  For example,
Yoda with a freaking lightsaber.  

I read somewhere someone called it the Yoda Deathblossom
(Last Starfighter ref) and the desc fit.  That was _ridiculous_.
Yoda is what?  800+ years old at this movie.  If you were the
2nd most pwerful Jedi in the universe - would YOU fight with
a lightsaber?  Sorry - if you were the 2nd most powerful mage
in the realms - would you pick up a sword?  WHAT?  
Luminescent beings we are, not this crude matter.  Or
whatever the quote.

While Lightsabers are one of the coolest aspects of the Star
Wars universe, I hardly think they are core to who or what
the Jedi are.  And this movie seemed to say exactly the
opposite.  I saw the movie a second time (a friend wanted to
see it), and in _every_ freaking scene I asked myself (as a
role-player) 'If I had rudimentary Force abilities and acute
training in these areas, what would I do?'  It really made
every scene ridiculous.  The car chase, Kenobi's capture by
stasis field.  Argh!

Of course, you have to love the total vindication of Jar Jar as
a character... "Meesa thinks we need to turn the senate into
a dictatorship giving all power to the Supreme Chancellor."

Hell, after seeing that movie, I would've had NOOOO problem
with 'Nsync guest-starring in it.  It's not like it would've hurt
any more.
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Old 05-22-2002, 11:32 AM   #4
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Thumbs up

Okay, I _DID_ like the Kaminoes (or whatever the alien race
was called), the cloners.  The design on them was beautiful.
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Old 05-22-2002, 12:33 PM   #5
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I think the movie was many things.  There were highly excellent scenes, and there were incredibly poor scenes. Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Hayden Christensen had perhaps the worst acting in the entire movie, only shadowed by Ewan McGregor's unprofessionalism.  I chalk Kenobi's poor acting to Lucas, though, as it seems Kenobi should've been much more assertive than he was.  Anakin's acting was horrible at best, and Lucas is probably somewhat to blame for that as well.  But I'm not too bothered about acting so long as the story is enjoyable...

Romance is certainly not Lucas' forte.  The romantic scenes of Han Solo and Leia worked so well probably because Lucas didn't concentrate too much on it.  Anakin's romance seems are so forced you'd think Lucas was pointing a blaster at him from offstage!  I almost thought the movie was a comedy at this point, that Robin Williams was going to jump out and yell "Fooled you! Thought you were seeing Star Wars didn't ya?!".  It would probably have been best to intersperse Anakin and Amidala's romantic revelations throughout more actionable scenes; at least then the "love" wouldn't have been so shallow and unexplained.  One could also stand to have cut about 60% of the romantic footage as well.

I've also got to agree with TG_Nek, that Windu and most of the Jedi were disappointing with their sabers.  With the gameplay of Jedi Knight II fresh in my mind, Kyle Katarn could've taken half of that arena by himself!

I don't think that being a Jedi Knight is all about the Force -- even for the powerful ones.  A Knight is supposed to use the Force to augment his saber powers; it's what tips the playing field in favor of the Jedi vs. ranged weaponry.  Swords are just fun.  And being a Jedi means that you can use a sword, even against someone with a ranged weapon, and kick their ass.  So to me, being a Jedi is about the Force just as much as it is about the lightsaber.

Sabers and Force powers add an element of strategy to a Jedi Duel.  Yoda and Dooku should've been flinging the Force left and right while they were dueling with sabers, in hopes of catching their opponent off-guard.

I have to admire that Lucas was able to make melee combat "work" in a scifi world.  I'm attempting to do such a thing myself, and it's no easy task.

There were many scenes that I really enjoyed.  Kamino was one that was very well done.  Another one I liked was the slow realization of anger when Anakin's mother died in his arms, although the scene with Padme afterwards was a little wooden and overlong, it was still enjoyable.  R2 and 3PO's comedy was much more fitting than Jar Jar's, and a welcome relief when the Jedi gang was captured.  Speaking of Jar Jar, he was much more mature in this movie, and I actually didn't mind his presence at all.

I absolutely loved Yoda's fight scene.  And the scene afterward, with the Imperial March playing while the clones were loaded up into Star Destroyers made my day.  To me, it even made up for the rest of the movie =).

In conclusion, I feel this was a pretty good movie.  It wasn't as perfect as Spider-Man, but I did enjoy it a great deal towards the end.  Still, I would be very pleased if someone took my advice and cut out most of the romance scenes =).
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Old 05-22-2002, 01:05 PM   #6
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Good points.  And yes, even as a non-Spiderman fan, it was
an incredible movie.  Not your average super-hero flick, but
I guess Parker is far from your average super-hero.  I think the
comics (I've limitedly read of Spiderman) forgot that.

I guess that should've been something I realized as well, the
problem wasn't just the lightsaber v the Force - it was the
fact it was an either or thing.  You're right, no one mixed the
two.  "Yoda and Dooku should've been flinging the Force left
and right while they were dueling with sabers, in hopes of
catching their opponent off-guard."  Excellent point.  I think
the line of 'let us settle this with lightsabers' (not a direct
quote) just automatically kicked in my WTF is this reflex.

And yeah, I guess I'll be okay being the only person in the
universe that didn't like the Yoda Deathblossom.

Okay, my last post on it, I promise.  This is a MUD site.
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Old 05-22-2002, 01:52 PM   #7
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Though it was highly comical to see Yoda zipping around like a Quickling on speed when he hobbles around with a cane all day, I agree that he should have "used the force" instead.

In a sense this was kind of similar to the battle scene between Gandalf and Sauraman in FotR... two old men beating on each other... kinda corny. When two men of great "magical" power battle each other, it should be with raw power, not hand-to-hand weapons.

Was Episode II supposed to show Anakin's progression to the dark side? Seems more like the growing pains of a teenager to me.
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Old 05-22-2002, 03:08 PM   #8
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A couple of things worth nothing re: writing, directing, acting and character interactions in the new trilogy and the old one:

1) For a writer and a director, George Lucas is an excellent special effects supervisor and cinematographer. He can set up a scene visually, but his directorial approach when it comes to actors tends to be completely hands-off, leaving it to the actors to interpret characters as they see fit. If you're not an actor that works well without guidance, you're going to blow in a Lucas movie. Some directors, such as Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard, do well with kids and young actors. Lucas works better with seasoned actors who don't need much guidance - Harrison Ford's performance as Han Solo seemed effortless because it *was* effortless. He didn't need Lucas telling him how to be arrogant or conflicted. And how much coaching do you think veterans like Peter Cushing and Alec Guiness would need as Moff Tarkin or Ben Kenobi? But Carrie Fisher, young and inexperienced at the time, kept bouncing around in her performance as Leia (at least in the first movie), using a clipped British-esque accent part of the time and a plunky midwestern-ish twang the rest of the time. Lucas just doesn't do enough to guide his younger actors, and - as of late - relies too much on the special effects to carry his stories.

2) The best writing in Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back didn't even come from Lucas - it came from people like screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan (who wrote the script for Raiders of the Lost Ark) and other gifted writers who worked with Lucas. And Empire Strikes Back, arguably the best of the first trilogy, wasn't directed by Lucas. It was directed by Irv Kirshner and written by the late Leigh Brackett and Kasdan.

Those things said: I enjoyed the chase scene on Coruscant and the chase scene through the asteroid field near Geonosis. I enjoyed Christopher Lee. I liked Yoda's fight scene, not so much because he was zooming about with his Lightsaber Jr., but because when he got finished and people started wandering back in, he immediately resumed his deceptive hobbling act. Loved that touch. I hated Threepio's dumb puns during the arena fight. I hated the love story between Padme and Anakin - it felt forced in so many ways. I enjoyed the pacing of the final confrontation, but thought more than a few things were silly, such as: Yoda's great idea to fire on the closest Trade Federation ship, thus dropping it on top of his own cavalry and stirring up a whole mess o' war fog.
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Old 05-22-2002, 03:44 PM   #9
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instead of saying "Yeah, I agree with so-and-so!" and saying the same exact things over again, all i gotta say is....

Yoda's death-blossom thing... *rolls her eyes* he looked like a green monkey, it was ridiculous.

I liked the Uber-rhino, I want one, anyone know of a petstore where i could get one?

And for my final performance... I will impersonate Anakin.

*glares at the camera* *thinks "with this angry/sulky/typical teenager glare i will show that i am slowly slipping to the dark side."*

if they had cut just his glares in half the movie would have lost an hour. i'm just glad i didn't pay to see it, nothing on the first three.
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Old 05-28-2002, 04:38 PM   #10
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Old 05-28-2002, 05:09 PM   #11
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Please READ.....................ALL YOU ANTI-EP.2 bitchs!

All you so called Starwars Episode II cridects out there think you know how to make a movie, well why dont u try, u all sound like a bunch of whinny pricks, not satisfid because the movie was not made to ur standerd. Well all you jerks got to see that it is a good movie, yes i myself will be the first one to argee that it is at time's blown a bit out, with some hollywood line like Mace Windo---"The Partys Over" yes why would a wise jedi master windo say something like that it blows my mind too, but u have too look past this, you could sit here all day debating this movie picking it to shreads, cause thats what all of you are doing. You call your self starwars fans but u dont know anything about starwars, i was reading over all your squabble and read in some ones forum "Yoda should not have used a lightsaber to fight it should have been his powers with the force" If u know anything about starwars u would know Jedi are not allowed to use there power to attack, only defence, there for he could not defeat Sith Lord Dooku.

Most of this anger is point mostly to Alastair, Has anyone read this guys *####* cause thats what is is. Come on man u think u have what it takes to make a better movie then lucus, u say he has gone down hill, this is not true, holleywood science fiction has changed, there for he had to change with it, making it for a wider addence, putting in the charater growth and humor, hey i dont like it etheir but i see past it. And your bit about how the Jedi counsel should have see past the sith shroued and caught on to Lord Sideius plan, well thats the way it happend before lucas even made the first 3 movies, Coresant as to fall to the sith lord, and the clonewars was just a way to get him the power he needed, and like Windo and Yoda say many times, which i think u chould even pick up on it, is that they dont know much about the sith they have been gone fer a long time, so they dont know what to look for. And what is this #### about Obi-Wan being a bad master; Ewan McGregor did i fine job of playing the timeless Kenobei, yes Anakins actor was not the best but he did the job, making the the crowd feel the anger in him, the slow converse to the darkside, showing all of them that he is not the little boy that they seen in #1. I also agree with u on that there should be more ship battles cause thats was what the first 3 where based on but there again he has seen what none SW fans want; and that is more sabers more humer and weird aleins running around, and i think he did i fine job integrating this peice of the puzzle in, and still following the same store line that has been past down through book and story.

And to u TG_Nek *forhead*

you are the dumbest out of all of them, at least Alastair know a bit, come on you asshole, Windo was awsome he was not slow he was as good as any other jedi, he kicked ass, Jango did not have a chance, what would make him look more powerful (him shooting lighting from his fingers, and flame from his ass) and what is all this about AN ALL POWERFULL MAGE WOULD NOT USE A SWORD, well you dumbass like i said a bit ago u cant use YOUR FORCE FOR ATTACK, come on, Jedi are trained only to use for defence and only when it is nessasray, because u are so easly drawn to the darkside, like u where saying that u seen part when u would have used ur powers to get out or kill, thats what they are trained not to do.

This movie was good better then One, and not as good as the 4, but all around it was worth the time and wait, im a big fan and was pleased. All i ask is STOP WHINNING, u all sound like brats whinning about teadeist things stop it, it was good it drew everthing together the fall of courasent and the rise of Palptines power, I agree with Yui Unifex the end was good with the Loads of Clone/Storm Troops loading up into the large bouls of a make shift star-destroyer, and the raspy beat of the Imperail March to sound the begining and end of the Old Republic. IT was good and I cant wait for #3 i praise Lucas keep up the good work.!

If you pricks think u could do better write a better Ep.2 script and send it my way, until then SHUT UP!
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Old 05-29-2002, 05:37 AM   #12
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Old 05-29-2002, 05:50 PM   #13
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Old 05-29-2002, 06:32 PM   #14
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I still liked it. A great addition to the star wars story it was.
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Old 05-30-2002, 03:54 AM   #15
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ROFL. Now we get the wild assumptions post. You're going to have to do a lot better before you (or any words displayed on a computer screen, for that matter) hurt my feelings.

Yeah, that has been pretty obvious for a while now.

Well, it's the first time anyone calls me a star wars master, but hey, thanks anyway.

Agrument? Is this a kind of vegetable?
Look, if you missed all the parts where I explained what I didn't like in the movie, you must be either blind or a mere troll. Hint: re-read my posts on the subject.

What bandwagon? I went to the theatre, watched the movie, and was deeply disappointed. Is there a "hate AOTC" club somewhere? In that case I must have missed it. Further, IIRC, I was the first on these boards to post a negative review of the flick, so if there was a bandwagon, I'd be the driver, thank you.

Why should I? I didn't like it. You're the diehard defender of AOTC here, not me. How about you telling what you found so great for a change?
Hey, everytime one confronts you with an argument, you keep going "I admit such and such wasn't that good". Who's being irrational here?

Good for you, mate.

Are you a mind reader, too? What leads you to assume I read any book of the Expanded Universe at all?
The reason I hated this movie so much is because I was disappointed by it, period. As a matter of fact, I didn't have any grand expectations about the storyline itself, Lucas made it clear years ago that the story was his to unfold, and he didn't give a damn about the add-on books.

You must confuse me with another poster, I never even mentionned Fett in any of my posts so far. Actually, the Fett subplot didn't disturb me in the least.

As a matter of fact, I think you got that one wrong. I don't believe the ST are clones. Conscription and a strongly militarized galaxy make far more sense for a tyrant like the emperor: it gives lot of people something to do, it propels the economy, it forms a cohesive body around the millions of planets and it deprives any possible rebellious tendencies in the core worlds from valuable hotheads. Nothing in the movies confirm or contradict this opinion, but I think it makes more sense than a clone army.
Further, there's only so many clones you can grow and support at any time. They needed 10 years to grow just 200k of them, how long would it take and cost to make just the estimated 30+ Million populating the first death star? Plus all the millions for the star destroyers?
Conscription is cheaper and better for the imperial regime, IMO.
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:18 AM   #16
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Old 05-30-2002, 08:43 PM   #17
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* Ok Alastair *

Your sad atempt to cut me down, By taking what i said and turning it around, making me look stupied is ok my me. Cause as u so prompley put it, "it will take more then that to hurt my feelings".

You say im the one not reading ur post right, but u seem to be the one that does not understand me, i have gave many good point to why this film is good, I like the story line, it makes sence to me, maybe not to u, but as i said once before u are a wise man, and it would take pure greatness to please u.

Like i said in my last post i did go over board on it, and wish i never did placed it. You said that u where the only one that hated the film in this forum, but read over it again, anyone that does like it just writes something like " It was good, watch it soon " so i was trying to get the point across cause all the long posts were to trash Ep. II.

And one of your stature and knowledge to starwars should be the first one to see that what i ment by putting Clone/Storm Troopers, is not cause i think ST are clones, but because they both where derived from the same soldier, not because they are the same. I understand fully the whole recruitment situation of the imperial navy, and know it would be a more sound investment to enlist then to clone.

Well i think that covers that if not please pick apart my post, and show me where i went wrong, cause i sure enjoy ur insight. SO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK FRIEND!


---------> and the crap that the guy above me wrote is the stuff that makes me mad, does that make any sence!
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Old 05-31-2002, 08:10 AM   #18
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More inane flames and non-constructive comments from soup nazi...

I thought you wanted a discussion? You hurl insults.

Call back when you have something to discuss, will you?

That doesn't make any sense. ST derived from Fett without being cloned? Care to explain?
Or are you merely hinting at the similarities of the body armour?
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Old 05-31-2002, 03:11 PM   #19
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I think we are both getting bored with this same damn argument every damn day, so maybe we should find something else to fight about?

And again for the last time Alastair, I never said i think that ST's are Fetts, or even Clones for that matter, im just stating that they are the begining of the renowned Storm Troopers. Not because they are the same Trooper, but because they where derived from the same vision, if that makes any sence. I guess you could say im hinting at the body armor, but when i wrote that bit i was just concluding that these CloneTrooper will (In time) become StormTroopers. You too have to agree that they are very much alike, and as you so put it, the dark lord found out that it is cheaper and faster the Enlist Then to Clone, There for being a slow converse from Clone TO Storm, As the Clones Die off and the Enlisted Soldiers move in.
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Old 05-31-2002, 04:23 PM   #20
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*shrugs slightly and shakes her head*

to quote my brother...

So basically, some of us didn't like it, not necessarily based on what we thought it was going to be or anything, I for one haven't read ANY of the books but loved the original three movies... so far the prequels haven't done anything but underwhelm me... big deal, we've got different tastes.
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