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Old 06-28-2005, 08:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Ytrewtsu is on a distinguished road
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Adventures Unlimited is a Rom 2.4b6 based mud. We have been around for over 6 years and pride ourselves on having a nice mud that is fun to play. We have good staff members and a loyal playerbase. We are trying to attract more players and the following posting from a character named Sidoc is an example of the in depth roleplay that is available on AU.

Baron Sidoc Gritan is my main character on Adventures Unlimited. He is a halfling Tza'fiel (a temple rank) of Jirah, Goddess of Shadows, Seduction and Manipulation, and he is also a member of clan Sophism, created in their Goddess's name and for her purpose. I have had many great roleplaying experiences while playing Sidoc but I would like to share the most life-changing for him.

Long ago he was pursuing a pixie by the name of Alyda. He knew a lot about her, having watched her quietly and witnessed her loud outbursts. She had a very furious pixie rage. She belonged to the temple of Elbar, Elemental God of Storms and Chaos. The clan created in the God's name, Styrian, was not viewed to be on good terms with Sophism, as many of the two clan's members were fighting each other. Alyda first started out as a conquest for Sidoc, a way for him to take something from Styrian, as she was treasured by many of its members who considered her like a daughter.

However eventually his heart got in the way and he began to have feelings for her. One day while they sat and talked in the rain a storm began to rage in. They were both aware, or at least believed, that Elbar was not happy with their relationship, but they didn't care. Very quickly into the storm, a bolt of lightning came down and struck Sidoc, rendering him unconscious.

Alyda panicked and screamed, not knowing what to do. Her scream was heard by Elbereth, a quickling of Gedria, Mother Goddess and Protector of Innocents, who happened to be her adoptive father as well. He came quickly on foot and his friend, Yorkin the pixie, used a magical gate to arrive at the location. Alyda was frantic and tried to explain what had happened. As she did, shadows began to creep into the area, getting closer to Sidoc. The image began to create discomfort in the quickling and Yorkin, and they insisted they had to leave quickly. Alyda told them that Sidoc should be returned to the temple of Jirah, as that's where the shadows probably wanted him to go.

So Elbereth picked up Sidoc and Alyda and carried them back to the town of Naerlan, where all the major temples are. The four of them arrived, and Elbereth dropped Sidoc at the temple gate. They waited quietly as Alyda sat down next to Sidoc and cried about not wanting to lose him. As they waited, the shadows, now stronger, began to creep in closer to Sidoc and Alyda, whispering strange words that were only understood by the person they were addressed to. The shadows spoke to Alyda and said, "We will take care of him... We will take care of you both..." A shadowy hand caressed her hair and Elbereth struck with his dagger, frightening Alyda as the blade nearly grazed her own skin. The darkness hissed and then engulfed Sidoc, making him disappear and leaving Alyda alone on the floor.

From the darkness, Sidoc awoke instantly, aware of what was happening, and he watched from within the darkness. Alyda screamed in heartache as she realized he was gone and then stood up, threw down the lightning bolt pendant that identified her as a follower of Elbar, retrieved a shadow symbol from the temple templar, and hurried down the steps into the darkness. Elbereth looked shocked, as did Yorkin. Sidoc watched from the darkness as they left and returned shortly with a small magically charmed army and proceeded to invade the temple to 'save' Alyda from the shadows. Sidoc returned to Alyda and comforted her, acting surprised that she was now a follower of Jirah. The invasion was short and ended with Sidoc and the temple being victorious.

Alyda is still a follower of Jirah and lives with Sidoc in the great house he built for her and their family. He cares for her deeply, more than he should, but he is still able to keep the clan and temple happy, as well as Alyda.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and please consider Adventures Unlimited when you are looking for a new mud or another place to spend your time.

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Old 07-09-2005, 01:21 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Ytrewtsu is on a distinguished road
Another one of our players posted the following story about his "mixed" experience with a Duchess of the realm.

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How Garvish met Quililia.

Deep in the caverns of the Underdark, the demon halfling Garvish wandered around, looking for flesh to tear apart. Suddenly he came across a gnome lady. But this was no normal gnome, he could tell. Her name was the Duchess Quililia. A woman of royalty. The halfing had seen her around but had never had the chance to introduce himself. This seemed like as good a time as any.

The halfling stopped in front of the gnome Duchess and began his introduction. Although a demon, Garvish had the ability to use a bit of charm to get what he wanted. This case was no different. After some time, the two finally parted ways, but not after the Duchess gave a few things to the halfling Garvish as a gift.

Some time later, the demon halfling sat in his hall waiting for orders from his Underlord. He was to carry out a task, one that would earn him new rank and status in his clan. His order was to break into the Duchess's home and bring back a piece of the very mushroom the Duchess lived in. Hiring the service of a pixie named Yorkin, the halfling made his way into the home and took the piece he needed.

Once the Duchess came home she saw what had happened, her guards pointing and holding up a single piece of evidence. It was the item the Duchess had given the halfling. The Duchess was infuriated. For weeks she kept an eye out for the halfling. A couple of times she even found the halfling out and about and knocked him out cold for others to come across.

Finally she got over it and just ignored the halfling, until the day he walked past her house and saw the door open. Wide open it stood, inviting him to go in. So he did. The halfling walked in, and this time the guards let him inside. He looked around, looking through the Duchess's many things for something that might be of importance.

Suddenly he could feel a presence creeping up behind him, but before he could turn around the Duchess had swung her mace and knocked the halfling out again. Even more angry this time, the Duchess took from the halfling the key he picked up and pushed his sleeping body into the road, screaming, "Stay out of my house!" From that day on the halfling kept a good distance from the Duchess and her home.

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Old 07-28-2005, 11:07 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Ytrewtsu is on a distinguished road
This is another story by a different player. It involves the Deputy Mayor of Naerlan (the main city). Her name is Aia Brangwen. It also involves the river troll clan leader of Styrian (the clan for the followers of Elbar god of Chaos). His name is Ergath. Enjoy!

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Deputy Mayor Aia Brangwen was sitting on a small hill over looking the river having a nice chat with a new, soon-to-be citizen. "Oh, I'm sure you want the city to be a wonderful place where everyone can get along wonderfully, right?" she asked with a cheerful smile. "Of course, Deputy. Things are much nicer when pe-" the young man was cut off by the sudden arrival of a human and a very scary-looking troll, Ergath, who not uncommonly had little pixie bits hanging from his teeth. Aia quickly jumped up and fluttered as fast as she could down the mountain and back to the protection of the city, apologizing to the young man for the sudden end to the interview.
A short while later, Aia sat on the bench with the town healer, swinging her feet and humming a song to herself when Ergath stormed in, looking more terrifying than usual. "Eh Deputy, am kill joo now. Joo poke head in clan business last time."

Aia blinked, caught by a bit of surprise, "I didn't do any clan business!"

""Yeah joo did! Joo steal money from da clan! Dat Mayor Sidoc, he exile us all from city so can't do work! Dat clan business!""
"The Duchess refused to pay her fine for committing a crime in the city! So Sidoc and I decided that your clan would have to pay for her, and you knew that if you attacked another person you'd have to be exiled and you did it anyway! That's not my fault, I already told you about that" replied Aia with a nod.

Ergath growled back, "Da Duchess act on own, not for clan! And we only attacked dem because they attacked us first! But joo and dat Mayor never punish dem! Only us, dat why am come for joo, am warned joo stay out our business. Joo one not listen. Joo made bed, now time to sleep."
Aia began to shriek, holding onto the bench as Ergath tried to push and drag her away from the protection of the healer.

"Am got deal for joo eh, Joo come wit am now, am make this fast and no pain. Joo say no, Am find joo, Am kill joo slow and am promise, am make it hurt. But no matter wha Deputy, am swear on Elbar, am gon kill joo." A few days later, the troll got tired of waiting for the pixie and found something else to be angry at.

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Old 08-07-2005, 02:36 AM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Ytrewtsu is on a distinguished road
This story is one of my favorites - we really do have some very good roleplayers on AU. A heishan elf is a desert elf (just a little fyi)

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Of Sylvans, Spears and Sonnets
by Sarai
Perched on a chair in the Phoenix Shrine of the White Tower, Sarai tapped the feather of her quill against her cheek and gazed across the room at her companion. Oblivious to Sarai's regard, Miranthe was cleaning her weapons.

The two elves had been friends since Sarai first arrived at the tower. The heishan battle maid, tall, strong and fierce, had been horrified by the sight of the delicate woodland elf who was away from her kingdom for the first time in her life. When she'd found out that Sarai really was as fragile as she looked, she'd taken the younger elf under her wing.

Sarai smiled affectionately at her stern friend. She hadn't been the only one with things to learn. The hundred brush strokes Sarai gave Miranthe's hair every evening when they retired to their lodgings in the city - Miranthe had refused to let Sarai stay anywhere alone - had already begun to take affect. And the melody the heishan hummed while she worked was from a piece of music she was learning to play on Sarai's lap harp. Nevertheless, in her leisure time she still preferred to train and to tend to her weapons and armour.

Sarai glanced down at the sheet of parchment on her writing desk. Most of the words she'd written had since been crossed through. The parchment was a mess. With a despairing sigh, she scrunched it up and tossed it onto the growing pile of crumpled parchment on the next chair.

Now Miranthe did look up. 'You've wasted three of those sheets since I started on my spear,' she said. Sarai no longer had trouble understanding her thick desert accent. 'What are you trying to do?'

'I am trying,' said Sarai with all the dignity she could muster given the increasingly large collection of failures, 'to compose a sonnet.'

Miranthe, the grim-faced battle maid who'd barely even smile when they first met, laughed aloud. 'You aren't very good at it,' she chided. 'You've crossed out even more words than you wrote in the first place.'

Smiling ruefully, Sarai put away quill and ink and closed her writing desk. 'I used to be better,' she said. 'I think it's the subject matter. I've never written a sonnet about a person before.'

'Why write one now?' More interested in her weapon than in sonnets or even people, Miranthe ran one finger over the edge of the spear head and nodded in satisfaction.

'You're supposed to write sonnets about things that mean a lot to you,' Sarai explained. 'Like flowers and autumn leaves and the sunset over the river. And people.'

'Don't tell me you're trying to write a love poem,' said Miranthe.

'A love poem? Indeed not!' Sarai was indignant. 'It's just a sonnet about someone I find fascinating. Here, I'll read some to you.' She reached for one of the crumpled parchments, determined to prove her point.

'Mahrina forbid!' Miranthe exclaimed, then, as Sarai smoothed out the parchment and began, 'Pray stop! I don't want to hear your poems. Read them to your lover.' She fended off the crumpled ball Sarai tossed at her, and began to gather up her weapons. 'I know, I know, you haven't one. I don't know what he's waiting for: you're so obviously besotted.' She dodged a second crumpled parchment with ease, and frowned at Sarai. 'If you've this much energy, we should spend the rest of the evening practising with the glaive.'

Smiling a little, Sarai put aside her writing desk and began to gather up the discarded sheets of parchment. Picking up the first she'd thrown, she balanced it carefully on Miranthe's fair head and said, 'No one is waiting for anything. He is a wonderful friend, just like you... except that he does not find it amusing to beat me with heavy weapons.'

'Just like me?' Miranthe gave an exaggerated shudder. 'Next you'll threaten to write poetry about me.'

'As soon as I stop aching,' Sarai promised with her sweetest smile. Miranthe chuckled, and arm in arm, the two elves went to collect their practice weapons.
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Please stop by and check us out - we love to get new people.
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Old 08-13-2005, 11:13 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2002
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The following entries are by a mage in the temple of Jirah and the clan of Arcanum (a training school for mages). I've only included my 2 favorite entries but there are many (

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Title: Journal of a Young Mage
By: Kaelan

3rd in the month of Jirah’s Temptation, 678

I would like to begin recording my work and what I’ve been researching in the Tower library. From observing the other students, I’ve learned that those who are less likely to write their work down are more likely to have to do twice as much, when they have to go back and look up what they’ve forgotten. I will begin my research this evening into the topic of the origin of magic. Some of the questions I would like to answer have been listed below.

Where does magic come from?

Does magic differ between the different sorts of magic users in Tharel, or is this based upon training?

Is god-given magic used by clerics different from the magic employed by sorcerors? If so, why are they different and how are they different?

Does everything have magic in it, or is magic specific to sentient beings?

In those without the talent to wield magic, why is this talent absent? Do they have magic within them without the ability to use it, or are they devoid of magic? Why do spells cast by others work upon them, when they can not cast their own?

To what extent does the will to learn magic augment or detract from the natural talent and ability to use magic?

These are only some of the questions I have, and I’m sure more will crop up as I move into my research. I’ve been given some idea of where to look and what theories to explore by Archmage Naren, and I’m sure my work will progress much more quickly now that I have many fewer chores, I’ve been allowed access to the laboratories and the restricted section of the library.

19th in the month of Jirah’s Temptation, 678

After having spent several rather musty days in the library, among my other duties, I’m really not closer to answering any of my questions, though I have come across several interesting hypotheses. I’ve also come to the realization that several of my questions run together. Some of the hypotheses regarding the origin of magic include the following.

1) All magic originates in Sainos.

This appears to be one of the more prominent theories in the Tower. Of course, this is to be expected, most of the students here are devotees of the Mad God. I am not quite so quick to just accept this theory, however. There are a few things I find fault with about it. For instance, if all magic originates from Sainos, why would he portion parts out to his enemies? I understand he’s the Mad God, but certainly no one would be that mad. And if all magic originates from Sainos, why was there magic before Sainos existed? Sainos, as with all of the existing gods, is a bi-product of the use of the Rod of Destruction. The Rod is arguably the most powerful magical artifact in existence. How was it, then, created before the existence of Sainos? All of the answers I can find to this question are shady at best, and some are blatant fallacies.

2) Magic, like everything else, was present in the Void. When all of the other elements mixed to make the world, magic was also mixed.

This one is most popular among the mage-historians of Cylad’s domain, with their emphasis on the creation of the world. But if magic was part of this Void item of theirs, then why is it not listed specifically as one of the elements in their official version of the mythos?

3) Magic is given to the mortals of Tharel by the gods.

My response to this is, then where do the gods get their magic? This theory as to the origin of magic has absolutely nothing to do with the origin. It might be a part of the answer to some of my other questions, but it isn’t very useful as to the origin. And if magic is given to the mortals by the gods, then why are some people totally lacking any magical ability, no matter how hard they try? And why do others, who actively preach the non-existence of any god, still have the ability to perform magic?

4) The being Fjiorim was a being entirely of magic, and imbued it with part of her essence upon creation. When she was destroyed, the rest of her essence spread out over the world. Calling upon magic is calling upon the essence of Fjiorim.

This theory seems more believable than most. I have been trying to find holes in it, and the main one I can find involves why some can access that magic and others can not. Perhaps if I find the answer to that question, this theory will be proved or struck down. A part of this theory is that those with the talent for magic simply have the ability to call on the magic that is present in all things since Fjiorim’s destruction and that the gods, as descendant from Fjiorim, are so magically powerful simply because as her descendants they know how to call upon that magic in ways that would defy mortals. But then, Fjiorim had to pull her magic from somewhere, which brings me back to theory two.

If there is a mixture of theories I am likely to believe, it would be something between two and four. One is simply not very plausible, and three does not answer the question at all. In the rest of my research I will work with the assumption that I have found the correct theory and that there is not one floating out there that isn’t present in the library of the Tower. Perhaps my research will prove or disprove one or all of these theories, or create a new explanation. It simply irks me that a question that has had so much study devoted to it, as the origin of magic has, doesn’t have a direct answer appended onto it.
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This posting is a very good example of the depth and thought people put into their characters at Adventures Unlimited. Please come by and check us out.
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