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Old 06-22-2011, 07:21 PM   #1
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Let's try this again...RP MUD

Okay I tried this before and it has not gone well at all. I have been playing a MUD for a couple of months now and I keep logging into it only because I have nothing else to do. So here we go with a possibly less inclusive list of what I want.

While I do want an RP MUD I now have some stipulations about those RP MUDs, after again, playing this place and realizing some things.

*No application. This means if I have to apply to get a character in the world, or after that character I need to apply to get into a guild, I want nothing to do with your MUD.

*No guilds. I want CLASSES, and a decent selection. I do not want those classes to be guilds, similar to IRE. I want to play a mage as a mage without ass kissing forty other people. I do not find it fun. I take directions from enough people in my real life without them in my virtual one. If I want that, I'll RP a soldier.

*No tasks for classes. I get maybe you write a report and that's fun for some players. I'm in college, if I want to write a paper I have an English class for that, and the paper won't be on aspects of magic that apply to unicorns and gryphons.

*Casual Environment. If I want to play for 10 minutes then log out, I want to be able to play for 10 minutes then log the hell out. Not that hard of a concept.

*No helpfile that dictates people can't tell me about areas and quests in them. I know you want to maintain the fun of your game, but guess what, this player doesn't find stumbling into places blindly fun, he finds it idiotic and tedious. Also, I know you want to "respect the creators of the area" but if you think that in your roleplay world, letting someone stumble into quicksand for the sake of your builders pride is acceptable, you're an idiot and please go play hack and slash. My character wants to know things. Deal with it.

*Levelling possible via more than grinding. I was options. I want to level via crafting, or level via roleplay. I don't want to be forced to go hunting monsters for crappy exp and needing extortionate amounts of it, and gold to level.

*Crafting system. Crafting is good, but please don't have the entire game controlled by player character crafters. If I'm trying to buy something at 3am and I can't find anyone because you think it's so revolutionary to have your entire economy controlled by players, it is frustrating and makes me not want to play.

*Multiple money making ways. No just killing monsters, no panning for gold, catching seafood. Combination of all three for example, and have them accessed easily and not be a time sink.

*HELPFUL PLAYERS. It seems to me that MUDs seem to hold people who want to be, to put it pc, less than friendly. The internet as we all know inspires us to be dicks and act as we usually wouldn't infront of others. This is human nature, no face, no consequence. If this is your player base, I want no part of it.

*HELPFUL PLAYERS. I repeat this because I want HELP when I ask for HELP. I do not want to be told to ask IC, or anything else. What I want is to be told how in the hell to work the item, area, class, skill, whatever it is. Direct me to a helpfile for christ sakes, or give me a straight answer if I am having trouble reading the file.

*Free creation and deletion. If I want to create a new character, or delete one, I want to delete a damn character, not have to write a letter of why I'm deleting. I just want to delete.

*Good selection of races. Elaborated in next post, but honestly, more than 6 is good.

*Honesty. Don't tell me you have 6 unique races when I've seen them on ten thousand different MUDs. A winged humanoid on one MUD who can't fly called a Kestrel and a winged humanoid on another MUD who can fly and is called a Hawkese is still the same damn race. Unless you have a race that is part octopus and part boston terrier then guess what, your races are the same as everywhere else. Also, you do not have six unique weapon classes, swords, axes, and whatever else that other MUDs also have, is not unique. Describe the WAYS they are unique, but if they're not originally your thought, don't claim uniqueness.

*In depth RP. I want the politics, the religions, the player run government, and all that good stuff that comes with an RP MUD, I just also want the freedom to play what the hell I want to play (within reason), and not interact with anyone I don't want to.

I guess I will see what people post and reply to them and add features, since I can't think of anything else to add right now. I just want a fun MUD to play that has great RP, is semi casual, and is fun. While fun is subjective, I now know what I do not want in a MUD to make it fun for me.

Thank you for your time.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:04 PM   #2
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

"Unless you have a race that is part octopus and part boston terrier then guess what, your races are the same as everywhere else."

I totally know what kind of race I'm going to add to my game if I ever have one.

Honestly, I don't think you're going to find too many MUDs that has x, y, and z but not a, b, and c, and still have a playerbase that's worth playing with.

If you're looking for a "RP" game that you can just get in and get out, maybe you might find something from one of the Skotos games. Ironclaw, or one of their other adventure-typed games (I think there's one called Grendal's Revenge) might be more up your alley. They have other more "serious RP" games, too, that don't have applications and such. One's the Eternal City, and the other might be called Marrack's Castle (don't quote me on that).

If you're looking for "intrigue and politics", then I honestly don't think you're going to find such a thing in the same games that are all about leveling and classes. Sorry. It's not that those games are bad or anything, it's just that those games tend to be more achievement-based, and you're not going to get a GOOD experience trying to play politics in that environment.

You can look into Accursed Lands -- they have no application process and you are given a lot of freedom. They do not have classes OR guilds (you learn any skill that you decide to use). They also have a low player population. You can make money doing just about anything -- be it through killing, whittling, weaving, tailoring, smithing, panning gold, foraging, whatever, and the economy of the game is not strong so there is no real NEED for money to enjoy it and make the most of it. That said, raising skills does require a lot of heavy grinding.

You can look up a game called "Lament", which is similar to Accursed Lands but has less stringent policies and more stuff that works. That said, I don't know if they are open. (You are welcome to play there, of course.)
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:36 PM   #3
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

You might want to come check out Ansalon MUD, I believe that we fulfill most of your wishes. We currently do not have crafting but that is on the list of things to come shortly. Other than that I think we hit on your other points nicely.
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Old 06-23-2011, 02:08 PM   #4
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

[quote=Erisine;46563Marrack's Castle (don't quote me on that).


Its called Castle Marrach, a game that is largely achevement based, and my opinions are well known here on it.

And I've herd from a friend who decided to go back for a visit.

She called it 'pathetic', and her blood pressure skyrockets whenever speaking about it. And that's been happening alot lately. Another former player refred to their Facebook page as 'stupid'--you can go and judge what you will, that's all I'll say about it.

Grendal's Revenge would easly be considered Casual, as you can play for as long as you want and return to it whenever.

Ironclaw is a light, friendly place where its easy to get started in. Groups are always on the look out for people, its playerbase has been growing at a slow but steady clip, and the Staff is always tweaking things in the Game to make it better. One such is how language is handled, not as in how there are so many different types but in overall speaking--any 'modern' jargon gets translated into its medieval version.

Caught me by surprise. And I've forwarded the ideal as a means of dealing with any 'vulgarities' uttered in the game I'm currently helping to build, as our leader expressed concern over thier usage in the Game.

So, give it a try.

Darren Brimhall

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Old 06-23-2011, 07:58 PM   #5
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

I'm having trouble imagining what sort of "RP" can be accomplished in ten minutes. However, given that you're basically saying that you want everyone to provide you with what you want while you do whatever the hell you want, I can imagine that ten minutes is about all it would take.

MUDding is a cooperative hobby. If you're not finding what you want, then maybe part of it is what you're bringing to the game.
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Old 06-23-2011, 08:51 PM   #6
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

Pretty sure you can go have a drink in a tavern for about ten minutes, or go kill some monsters, or walk around a new area. Train some skills, read some helpfiles on new material, read the in game paper, sell some goods. I could go in but then I'd just be being a smartass and that's not what I'm aiming for.

Also yes, it could be me but since I've had no other problems at other games where I don't have to change my entire character to fit in with one guild member who's a higher up, I'm guessing it's not. Though again, could be.
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Old 06-24-2011, 12:22 PM   #7
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

Unless it is a temporary issue, it looks like Accursed Lands is down.

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Old 06-25-2011, 02:40 AM   #8
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

Hm, perhaps try ? I honestly haven't played there in years, so can't really say what the game environment is like currently. But it has a skill-based leveling system and always had great rp. There's a variety of magic-using classes as well.
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Old 06-25-2011, 06:02 AM   #9
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

we have guilds but theyre voluntary, classes have guild masters for training but thats it, and you need not do all your training there, learn new skills yes
some of the newer quests yield exp but it is a lot of grinding
i posted a thread about it here
come check us out

im mostly on as anroawan
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Old 06-25-2011, 01:11 PM   #10
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

In this case, it would be Grendel's Revenge--all yoiu'd be doing is wander around a landscape fighint either humans or other monsters..

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Old 06-26-2011, 09:53 PM   #11
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

I almost posted something snarky because of how negative the OP was, and how instead of just posting what he was looking for he trashed people for liking or creating anything else.

But then I saw this line in your post and I think you summed it up pretty well.
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Old 06-26-2011, 11:22 PM   #12
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

I tend to agree. I expect to have my game ready for an actual open (not just the soft testing open we're on atm) within 2 or 3 months, and while every aspect of the game would likely fit OP's criteria, the post itself sounds as if he's been burned, is bitter, and unwilling to try new things. Now, I myself am quite bitter, but I give things a chance when I'm looking for some social time. Sometimes, I find new aspects of games that I like, but had not considered before. And, of course, when I couldn't find a game that suited me, I embarked on the insane undertaking of developing something myself.

I've seen a lot of exceedingly demanding LFM posts on the various boards lately, and have been very tempted to make my own satirical version to post. After all, why shouldn't someone else spend years developing and designing a game to suit ME, then pay me to play it, or pay me for the perks that I want? Why can't I just make my own set of awesome characters, and demand that all other characters within a game meet my own approval before being allowed to play?


/for what it's worth, I will -never- introduce a race that's a cross between an octopus and a boston terrier...
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Old 06-27-2011, 12:10 PM   #13
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

There's this mud I played a long time ago, back in college, called Dark and Shattered Lands. () I haven't played in ages, so I can't tell you much about the state of the mud, how populated it is, or any new and exciting features developed over the past ten years, but it's still there and seems to meet most of your preferences. Just keep in mind that some of what I'm stating below may have changed somewhat.

It calls itself a roleplay-required mud, but it's pretty casual about the whole thing. Some people don't really roleplay or only make a token attempt, others get really into it. But you can pretty much ignore the people you don't want to interact with and have a good time with the people you do.

There's no application process. Back when I played, they had this single approval room when you create where an imm will buzz you in after making sure your character name isn't totally stupid, but if nobody was around to approve you, you got auto-approved in two minutes.

It's a straight-up, Diku character class system. You pick one of five base classes to start, mage being among them, and once you're past a certain level, you have the option to reclass into a specialty class. Some are available to everybody, some restricted to certain clans (PK-based groups) or kingdoms (non-PK based groups), and those organizations might have some rules about who they do and don't let access their special classes. But you don't have to kiss too much ass to get into any of those organizations. Most people with any rank are recruiters, and with rare exception, most organizations let in anybody who doesn't come across as an idiot. But other than the small number of classes restriced to certain organizations (which aren't any more powerful or fun, just something else to try), you just pick your class and your specialty class by entering commands. No tasks.

There aren't any rules about area knowledge or secrets. You'll find player websites with maps, speedwalking directions, good leveling tips, equipment lists, and whatever. The world is pretty large, so there's always somewhere good to level, or some piece of gear to chase down.

I remember the players being fairly helpful. You know the type. When you ask a question, everybody races to answer as quickly as they can, because knowing something and demonstrating that knowledge over the internet makes you cool. Unlike the muds you've undoubtedly tried, though, you'll get people jumping up and down trying to give you the answer, rather than people jumping up and down yelling at you about how you're an idiot and a rulebreaker for asking the question.

You delete and create characters at will. Other than prohibiting being logged in with more than one character at a time, and other multiplaying prohibitions like finding ways to help one character with antoher, you can have as many characters as you want in as many organizations as you want, and delete them whenever you feel like it.

It's a Dragonlance-based mud, so there are a lot of races, mostly in the form of subraces. Your 5 types of elves, 3 types of dwarves, 2 types of gnomes, 3 types of ogres, 3 types of goblins, humans, minotaur, kender, 2 types of some kind of cat race, and probably a couple of other races I've long since forgotten. I wouldn't call the race selection unique, but it's definitely pretty diverse. The stats of each race are different enough to make certain classes and playing styles a lot better suited for one race versus another.

The politics and governments are mostly player controlled. Whoever's the leader of their organization chooses who to declare war against, when to try to end wars, and what the organization is supposed to be doing, within the reasonable limits of the backstory of their organization and why it exists. But it's not the sort of mud where you can up and change things yourself with big world events. That requires the imms to run, and if you're expecting the administration to step in and facilitate player rp on a daily basis, look elsewhere. Special events are rare. On the plus side, there are regular recurring events, though, like an annual clan tournament, a gladiator league, and some other things.

There's a player crafting system, but it's time consuming, tedious, and repetetive to get any good at crafting, and the items you can get from mobs are normally just as good. If you just want a unique-looking item, you can buy an item restring fairly cheaply if you catch an imm online and available to help you.

It's also definitely a casual environment. Log in, log out, get as involved as you want or not.

Downsides: It's a grind-heavy mud. You have to kill stuff to level. But not an insane amount of stuff. It traditional Diku style, you select what skills and spells you want your character to have, and you're assigned an experience per level amount based on how much you select. So if you're in a hurry and don't care about being versatile, you can have a 1000/level character. Or you can take everything available to you, even the stuff you'll never use or need, and be 100,000/level. For reference, in the right area for your level and alignment, most people get about 100-200 per kill, though there are times where it's faster to kill a bunch of weak stuff for 50 each, or a couple of strong things for more and have some down time in between.

You also have to put up with the occasional group of idiots who run their mouthes on public channels, can't roleplay worth a darn (or don't roleplay), kids, and so on. It's not terrible. Like I said, you can just ignore people you don't want to interact with, but I remember enough of that going on to feel it's relevant to comment on here.
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Old 06-28-2011, 02:43 PM   #14
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

What I'm interested in is what makes him feel burned.

was it because:
He got screwed over by players, with the help of friends on Staff, who lied and cheated him out of something his Character worked hard for?

He submitted numerious ideals, after doing the research, that would work perfictly in the Game--only to have them rejected, or worse, stolen?

He filed a complant only to get scolded by the Game's Staff?

There's more, but these are an example of what could make a player 'quit' a Game they had so much hope for.

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Old 06-28-2011, 03:13 PM   #15
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

The original post was pretty clear. OP was displeased with one or more muds he tried that had an application-based creation process, required permission to delete and recreate, and had a cumbersome and tedious in-game process (ass-kissing and report writing) to gain a character class and advance, all so he could finally jump into the active part of a game that was primarily about grinding for money and grinding to gain levels.

Not one of his factors said he wants more fair or more responsive administration, or a game where his own ideas would be implemented. If anything, it sounds like the games he was involved with have a little too much administration. I've always felt that if you add up all the time mud administrators waste approving players and sparingly granting permission to do this or that, you'd find enough time to code all kinds of new features, make all kinds of new areas, or initiate all kinds of special roleplaying has been wasted.
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Old 06-28-2011, 03:22 PM   #16
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

Ever tried Avendar?

It's been under new management for the last year or two, and we've had a lot of great updates and changes.

strictly rp-enforced

engaging pk system, with some limits (lvl ranges)

government is based on a very deep history, some players can have an affect
also based on houses, and their internal governments.
Those are entirely player influenced, especially as houses compete

if you want magic, lots of choices with scholars, templars, druids, etc
if you don't, warriors and rogues are there too
the classes are very deep, so while the skill sets are standard, there is no vanilla.

character roles are encouraged to have variety, though there are certain restrictions (chtaren must be good, shuddeni must be evil)
huge deity list to base roles off of

permadeath does happen, though very rare- either by age death or dying too many times (only age died once, never reached the second option in 10 years)

*No application. Just make a character.

*Lots of classes

*No reports

*Casual Environment, though you'll end up playing longer than 10 minutes

*Crafting system. Rangers can craft their own items, whereas there are npc controlled shops that you can craft items.

*Free creation and deletion. Don't want them? Delete them

*Good selection of races- Quite a list of races. Take a look (the depth comes in history, backgrounds, etc. Website gives you a good run down)

*In depth RP. I want the politics, the religions, the player run government, and all that good stuff that comes with an RP MUD, I just also want the freedom to play what the hell I want to play (within reason), and not interact with anyone I don't want to.

Bottom line- take a look, because Avendar is very unique- races, classes, history,... it even has it's own calendar system.

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Old 06-28-2011, 06:59 PM   #17
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

If you want to roleplay, this is an exceptional place to do that, as you wil
l find that the world is immersive, the story arcs are well thought out and planned, and the immortal st
aff is exceptional at interacting with characters as both mobiles, gods, and on a personal level with ne
w players that need help and advice.
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Old 06-29-2011, 03:19 PM   #18
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

So, in other words; too many chiefs, not enough indians and a neglectied infastructure full of red-tape and flameing hoops to leap through...With no end in sight.

Darren Brimhall

Last edited by Darren Brimhall : 06-30-2011 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 07-05-2011, 12:21 AM   #19
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

Why do play for 10 minutes and in depth roleplay have to go together? Obviously you can't have 10 minute play time and in-depth roleplay.

What you can have is a game that has in depth roleplay but at the same time allows you to logon and check in game mail or something else for 10 minutes if that is all you have time to do, and not have you forced into a guild scene that takes 3 hours and has you getting in trouble next time you login because you had to log out and go somewhere.

I'm not bitter, I'm not enraged, I fully understand that in a lot of MUDs the immortals have their fingers in something on a player level, least that is from my experience, I just hoped that one would not. Turns out it was just stupidity to think I had found a great MUD that was completely immortal grubby finger free.

I was by no means saying every character in the game should mold to my character, what I WAS saying was that my character should not be forced to mold into someone elses play style, then when I don't, I get stopped playing the game by one of the commands until I mold to how that player wants me.
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Old 07-05-2011, 09:17 AM   #20
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Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

I think if you're looking for an RP-enforced MUD, you're simply going to have to deal with higher powers getting involved in player consistency. In a non-RP game, admin really only need to define the system level things like areas, objects, monsters, game mechanics etc. to get a consistent world. In an RP game, where the players largely -are- the content of the world, you as a player have to expect that your story is subject to change just like a mob. I'm sure there are ways to set up RP systems where this is more or less of an issue, but the fact of the matter is that if you expect to have a consistent world/environment, someone has to ensure consistency of the input players have into it.

I've personally opted for the extreme opposite end of this approach. Alter Aeon has one (1) active admin: Me. The game has a lot of idiot-proofing to stop most of the common kinds of griefing and problems, spammers are dealt with via a combination of code and a handful of high level channel moderators, and anything that's left over I personally deal with. Pretty much the only time I require players to change behavior or description is when it's purely offensive, illegal, or intended only to grief others.

The downside of this is that enforced RP isn't really possible, because there's no enforcer. I dislike forcing people to act a specific way other than to set the rules of the environment around them. That said, RP does happen in various groups, and when it does, it's often pretty good.

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