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Old 07-25-2009, 04:15 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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skaldicpoet9 is on a distinguished road
Tell me about your favorite mud!

Hello everyone, the new guy here

I just got into mudding recently and I have got to say that I have missing out on some great gaming.

The muds I have played so far have been Aardwolf, Wheel of Time Mud, Achea & Materia Magica.

I first started playing Wotmud sometime ago actually but never really got into it. It is definitely the most basic mud I have played so far. It seems like a lot of other muds are much more fleshed out (refering not to world scope, but weapons, leveling attributes, quests, smobbing and such). Most people in Wotmud seem to be all about PKing so Iit is quite hard to get into the game due to the lengthy statting and restattting process. I like the community a lot but it seems that the mud is suffering from stagnation due to lack of support by the coder (who is apparently missing from what I can tell). I figure that I will stick it out for a few more days but I am growing a bit weary with the whole game...

Achea and Materia magica I played briefly some time ago and where interesting but I didn't really get into them (not because of the game but just due to shear laziness). I remember really liking the client for Materia Magica and the built in maps.

In the last few days or so I have been playing on Aardwolf, which I have to say I am quite impressed with. The game surprised me because I wasn't expecting to like the game at all from the game's official site. I read things like "laser tag" and scoffed, admittedly. However, I have been addicted for the better part of the last few days. The community is great, the support is amazing and the help files incredibly extensive. I love how detailed the world is and the interface is the best interface I have been privy to on a mud (with the exception of Materia Magica). Needless to say I think that I have found one home (I think I just might have multiple "homes" ).

Sorry to be so long winded but I figured I would give you a little bit of insight into my mudding experience.

This all got me to thinking that I really wanted to know how the players felt about these games (so I could here from the player's perspective and so I could get some good leads on another mud mwhahaha). So, what is your favourite mud game and why is it your favourite? What are the things that you enjoy most about it?

I am interested in all types of muds (and I am especially interested in your thoughts on various RP muds as I have been looking to get into one, Armageddon being one that I was thinking about).

I would love to here why it is that you still play the mud you play.

Anyway, thanks in advance for the insights & stories
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Old 07-25-2009, 05:57 PM   #2
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Tamila is on a distinguished road
Re: Tell me about your favorite mud!

I'm an OtherSpace fan, and for me, it's all about the RP that's available.

Sure, we've got some gadgets around, but that's not where the strengths are. The strengths is the quality of RP, the community and how laid back things are on the out of character side of things.

I have forayed to several other MU#s, but I keep on returning back to OtherSpace for some reason. I have never been a fan of fantasy or medieval, so I found that a game that was a soft sci-fi was more up my alley. The ability for players to impact on the over all story line is a great thing.
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Old 07-25-2009, 06:09 PM   #3
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skaldicpoet9 is on a distinguished road
Re: Tell me about your favorite mud!

Right on, sounds like I'll have to take a look at it some time. I have been wanting to find a good Sci-fi mud just for the sake of variety.
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