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Old 10-05-2002, 02:01 PM   #1
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I have given a lot of thought to what I want in a home MUD, as I am really looking to settle down:

1. Nice people and Friendly Admins, very, very newbie friendly. This is the MOST important. NO killing newbies just for sport.

2. Role play intensive environment, but not so strict that if you say something ooc as a newbie 12 people jump on you. RP controlled mostly by the caring of the players and not by 'Big Brother' Admins.

3. Ability to live a full long life without killing a thing. Ability to make your mark on society without killing.

4. NO levelling. Skill or RP based xp only.

5. FANTASY setting. No space themes, no vampires, NO harsh desert environments. Strictly Middle Earth style.

6. Free if possible, but if the game is worth it, I will pay to play.

7. Ability to own shops, homes, or buy land and build.

8. Political Intrigue and an ability to contribute to the story and move high up in society without having to pay money or compliments to the admins/gods/owner of the mud to get favor.

9. Custom Built or unique code if possible which supports rp so everything not just emoted. Code which allows you to take unique actions on your environment.

10. Pipe dream, but I thought I'd ask: NPCs that can respond or are somehow intelligent.

Please do not mention the following games as I have tried them or am not interested:

Armeggedon (too harsh and stressful)
Threshold (very overbearing admin/owner and too many rules)
Accursed Lands (LOTS of promise, but does not meet #1 requirement)
Southlands (LOVE this game but just not enough players, also needs better code to support rp so everything not just emoted)
The Eternal City (some very fanatical players - not in a good way)

When replying please tell me WHY your mu* fits the requirements. Also, my opinions on the above mu*s are certainly not meant to upset anyone, just my experience.

Hmm...not asking for too too much am I? *grin*

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Old 10-05-2002, 02:36 PM   #2
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I believe that Inferno offers everything that you are looking for.

1- MOST existing players will go out of their way to help newbies, and a GM, when available, will spend some time with the new player in the OOC area to discuss things.

2- It is a roleplay intensive environment. Some think that it is too intense and some not intense enough. New players will be corrected through whispers if they make mistakes but most veteran players are quite understanding of newbie mistakes, having once been there themselves.

3-There are crafting professions available and some crafters are the among the most powerful or respected characters in the game.  There is no need to kill anything in order to advance in skill or rank.

4-Levels DO exist in Inferno, but the game is skill-based. You train as you go and not just when you level, making it simple to overcome a training error or oversight.

5-Inferno has a high medieval fantasy setting.

6-Unfortunately, Inferno is NOT free and is actually expensive when compared to some PTP games.  The first month is free but after that the game is $30 a month, for two character slots.  A second version, Inferno Firestorm, is $15 a month. It has less strict roleplay standards and allows afk scripting. I tried it but it wasn't for me. Inferno does not charge for extras like some games do.

7-Shops, taverns, homes, castles, etc. can be built.  But it does take resources. A new player would not likely have the ability to build a home or shop for quite some time.

8-There is quite a bit of political and non-political intrigue in Inferno that anyone can become involved in or be drawn into.
I've never heard of players getting favoritism from GMs but one ex-Inferno player recently made a claim on these boards that there is some. ::shrug::

9-I believe the code to be custom built but I'm not positive since I know little about codes.  I think that it works fine for RP but I don't have much to compare it to having played only three MUDS for any length of time.

10-Some, but definitely not all, NPC Bots will respond to certain questions, phrases, circumstances. GM run NPC's of course will respond to the other characters but I don't think that is what you were asking.

Again, I love Inferno but I understand that for some $30 a month is quite expensive.  Unless you think that there is no way in whe world that you would ever pay that much, then come try it free for 30 days.  We suggest that all new players spend some time in the manual before they roll up their first character.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at

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Old 10-05-2002, 02:36 PM   #3
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Apologies. Posted in error and I couldn't figure out how to delete.
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Old 10-05-2002, 04:45 PM   #4
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Old 10-06-2002, 05:17 PM   #5
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Might I suggest DartMud?

DartMud is very newbie friendly. Assuming you are willing to read the basic help files, most people will answer any question you might ask. In the main city, there are many characters, players and not, that would be very happy to teach you the basic skills.

For the most part, people are understanding about newbies. You are welcome to talk OOC to other people in the same room (there are no mudwide channels), but be careful not to impart any IC information.

It is very easy to become a high ranking character without killing even a rat.  All skills are improved by practicing them.  

If you wanted to become a master smith you would not go out and kill a demon, rather you must aquire a supply of ingots. Which means mining the ore and processing it, or paying someone else to do it.

The skill system works with 'improves'. With one improve you would be unskilled. With a hundred you would be average at that skill. There is no limit to the number of 'improves' you can get, though you would not be likely to learn more smithing by making needles if you are already a master.

Elves, dwarves, orcs, halflings, and a few others.  It is possible for anyone to become a vampire, but it is an extremely difficult quest. Vampires are not very popular and are hunted and destroyed as quickly as possible.

Completely free.

There are seven castles and numerous guilds, all player run.  If you manage to become the baron or guildmaster, you can hire construction workers to build addons to your castle or guild.  A simple room might only cost you 50 suns. While a moat with moat creatures would cost you well over 6000 suns.

Political Intrigue runs rampant. All the barons are paranoid the other barons may try to take over their castles. There have been several wars between the castles over the years.

Disinformation: Saying this baron here harbors vampires, that baron had an innocent healer killed.
Backstabbing: Befriending a valuable member of the castle, only to have easy access at the throne room.
Assassinations: Hiding patiently in the shadows, waiting for the right time to stick the knife in somebody's throat.

The guilds can be just as bad, some of them have laid claim on certain skills. The healers guild is supposedly the only place where you can be ressurected. To them, teaching the spell would be treason at its worst, and there have been rumours of guildmasters of the past hiring assassins to do their dirty work.

Heavily modifed LPMud. I'm not a creator so I can't provide you with more information on the code base.

Every npc I have seen acts intelligently.

Actually, AL can be considered DartMud 2.  Several years ago, DartMud was extremely buggy and a few creators left to start again from scratch.  Of course, thats also the way DartMud started...

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Old 10-06-2002, 05:24 PM   #6
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I agree.

Dartmud offers all that you ask. And I've found the players there are very friendly and helpfull.
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Old 10-06-2002, 09:35 PM   #7
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I’ll be happy to make one suggestion. It is Untamed Lands. A fairly new game that seems to fulfill many of the items on the wish list.

The player base of Untamed Lands is small and growing. Those who have made it their home are friendly, helpful and patience. New players are not considered targets or annoyances but as welcome guests who we hope will enjoy the game as much we do so that they can contribute to its growth.

Untamed Lands is at its core a role playing game. The goal of the code is to support the game mechanics without restricting the role playing potential of the players.  There are Out Of Character channels to use to socialize with the other players as well as to clarify game mechanics and the RP theme.  I think of the players of Untamed Lands in much the same way as I think of my friends who gather around the table for a game of 7th Seas or AD&D, where we keep the character actions IC, but still allow room for the real life friendships of the people who play those characters.

In Untamed Lands you never need to kill anything or anyone.  Your character learns and improves skills by practicing them.  Want to get better at farming or mining, then plant some corn or mine for some iron.

Experience is earned through using a skill or by role playing with others.  The experience points are then spent to convert trained potential into a skill into actual skill knowledge.  In other words, each time you try something you gain a bit of insight into it, but not enough to actually do better.  Eventually you gain enough insight that something clicks and your knowledge of the skill improves.  Applying the experience points that you have earned to the skill is what triggers that click.

Untamed Lands is based around the growth of an island colony that was initially populated by criminals and outcasts. Since then m any others have traveled to the island in search of a new beginning, far away from the growing political unrest of the Kaldarian kingdom.  

The world is human populated. Elves, dwarves, dragons and trolls are out of myths and legends. The technology level is comparable to the late 1600’s of earth.

The game is free to play.

A character may buy land and build on it as they wish. As the code develops, characters will be able to have shops with NPC apprentices capable of holding down the business while the player is off-line.

Everyone is invited to contribute to the story. The world is growing and changing and it the players who will provide the direction for that growth.  How far you go will depend on your ability, and political intrigue depends on how you role play and who you role play with.

The code base is SMAUG, but it has been heavily modified.  Everything from character to character death has been or is  in the process of being modified to blend with the theme and atmosphere of the game.  Help news and help old_news gives a pretty good breakdown of the changes made over the last year.

Some NPCs are able to communicate with players, but not all. We believe that NPCs should contribute more to the game than just being targets or shopkeepers.  As with all aspects of the game, this will improve over time as more changes are implemented.

We welcome players who ask for a lot. It’s the only way to prevent stagnation and to constantly improve the environment. In return we like to see the player contribute to that environment with strong role playing and a commitment to character development.

Untamed Lands
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