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Old 03-04-2014, 04:43 AM   #1
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Talking Looking for mud

Thanks for taking a look. I have been an on and off mudder for twenty years.

I am looking for a mud that has some of the following.

Definite needs:

* Has to be free to play for me at this time.

* RP mandatory or preferred. Has to be more RP oriented and not "Yo, any n00bs want to come help me carry some stuff back to the city. I have to log off soon to go to class." It doesn't necessarily have to be super RP elaborate (though that would be okay, too). I just would like for the environment to be not a text-based WoW chat style and but rather have its own immersive aspect to it.

* Documentation or demonstrative. If I have the ability to figure out how to play it if no one else is logged on, awesome! If there are help files or quests/tutorials that acclimate new players, perfect. Or if it's easy enough to trial and error because of it being simple enough in what commands are needed, I would consider trying it out.

* Be welcoming to new players. No being approached without interaction, attacked and unable to do anything (flee, wake up, etc.) by a group of player characters on your first day. This happened at a recommended mud, surprisingly enough. I had a hard time finding it to be anything beyond a hack and slash mud, even though it is claimed to be RP enforced.

* No multiplaying allowed (playing more than one char at the same time.)

Hopeful features:

* Enough of a population that hunting parties or groupings of some sort (social activities, helping other people or what not) are possible. I sometimes play at different times, so it would be nice if it wasn't ten player max for only two hours a day. 50+ would be awesome. 10+ active players would be okay, too.

* Being able to get involved with something or a guild/organization after a reasonable amount of time playing (a month or two later max, being recruited into a active group of some kind for example). I would not like to have to play for 6 months before my character could join up if my character fit the criteria.

* Equipment saves

* Persistent world

* Ability to have fun by yourself even if others aren't on or if my character isn't particularly social one day but definitely able to get involved in group-oriented activities if desired and others are on. I would not want to log on when no one else is on and not be able to accomplish anything or have fun. Solo hunting options, crafting, exploring or way of helping other characters even if they are not logged on (fulfilling supply or recon orders) or something to do at all.

* Housing would be awesome. Preferably not so expensive that it is nearly impossible to obtain or so rare that unless ABC character decides to sell their estate, there will not be any place to purchase. A room in a shared house for rent or an inn at the back of a tavern or a makeshift camp. I would be interested in what options are out there. The ability to store items is definitely nice. Being able to decorate or craft things would be a bonus. Locked doors, optional.

* PK restricted or not at all. I am not interested in games where people can get a bunch of their buds and go after a stranger just because they happened to not say hello back or return a handshake attempt or worse, if they are new and they just want the money off of the helpless weaker character. Territories that are flagged open PvP/PK are fine, though. If it is PK restricted, in that you had to have a legitimate RP reason and that it was a balanced/unbiased system for permitting a PK against a character or organization, that would be fine as well. Permanent deaths are fine.

* encrypted connection would be nice as sometimes I play in areas common for wifi data to be intercepted (public places). Optional, though.

* Being allowed to play more than one character (but only one logged in at any given time). One character limit is fine, too but to be able to experience the game in more than one way would be cool. Mage and warrior. Or healer and warrior. Or crafting character and a melee character. The RPs would be different for both and not connected, of course. Ultimately, if it's one character limit, patience can be exercised to enjoy the game one character at a time.


Those are the features that I can think of. I tried using the find a mud search but either came up with muds that are not active or the search did not have features that mattered to me. I figured being able to ask the community would provide better results!

So what do you all think? And thanks!
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Old 03-04-2014, 08:31 AM   #2
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Re: Looking for mud

Unwritten Legends seems to match most of your requirements.

It's free to play, RP mandatory, there's guides to play by players and a comprehensive website, we're very welcoming to new people, and multiplaying is definitely against the rules.

Oh, there's an ingame OOC chat, but you can disable it if you like.

We have a decent, though small, population. 7 people on at the moment, and we had 27 on for most of last night.

There are some player run organizations, and most of them are pretty easy to get into. They don't do much though.

Equipment is permanent.

What do you mean by persistent world? Thrael gets new areas occasionally, but doesn't change much otherwise.

There's several solo activities. Hunting, fishing, foraging, playing dress-up.

We have all sorts of inn rooms, which act as storage and are heavily customizable. Other housing is planned as well, though that's a ways in the future.

PK is restricted by RP. Killing people is against the law after all.

I'm not sure about encrypted connections?

You can have up to 5 characters on an account at a time.

A few other things that you didn't list, but might like:

The exp buffer system lets you hunt for a time, and then rp while you continue to absorb the exp you accrued.
Everything is incredibly detailed. If you see something in a room description, it most likely exists in the room for interaction.
Eating is purely social, and food and drink is cheap and varied.
The 'fighter' class is actually interesting to play as, going far beyond the usual meat-shield role.
The inventory system is very realistic. You have your two hands and whatever containers you're wearing. There's an arbitrary cap on your number of items total based on your strength.

I hope you give us a try! The game is at
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Old 03-04-2014, 09:04 AM   #3
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Re: Looking for mud

Ghostcat asks: "What do you mean by persistent world? Thrael gets new areas occasionally, but doesn't change much otherwise."

A persistent world is one that doesn't cease to exist when the player logs out. Compare a CD Rom game, where you start it, play for a few hours, log out, and the game will save your character's stats/eq/current adventure/score, but the world will stop, until the next time you log in.

A persistent world is still running when you stop playing it, still being interacted with by other people.

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Old 03-04-2014, 12:05 PM   #4
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Re: Looking for mud

No PK at all is a problem.

In a realistic game world, attacks will happen. Let's ignore players who don't roleplay and PK for no IC reason.

But for sound IC reasons? Why should PK be forbidden?

I don't think you will find a realistic MUD where roleplay is mandatory but PK forbidden - don't let me stop ya though!

Otherwise I could have recommended some MUDs but none of them forbid PK.

If you are so scared of PK, there are means against it inside of many of the games.
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Old 03-04-2014, 12:17 PM   #5
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Re: Looking for mud

Oh, I forgot to mention that UL has a small application and short 1-3 day waiting period to be whitelisted.
If you think you're interested, apply now so you don't have to wait if you decide to play.

Ah! Then yes, UL has a persistent world.

Last edited by Ghostcat : 03-04-2014 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 03-04-2014, 08:28 PM   #6
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Re: Looking for mud

I do understand your point but the problem is, I have had a hard time of finding muds where IC PvP or PK activity is the only form of it. Unfortunately, too many bad experiences of people using alternate characters to advantage primary characters, or abusing the system in other ways that go against the point of IC and RP.. is what allows me to consider what a non-PK mud might be like. I have not played a mud where PK was not a possibility but I would rather not exclude consideration of playing one if it met my other preferences for a mud. There are only so many attempts at playing 'recommended' muds that are not true RP enforced muds when it gets to the point of a PK, regardless of stated features/policies.

I have seen people invest time into something, only to have a group of real life friends use OOC means of communicating to carry out a PK over the most strange of reasons or have gamemasters themselves provide a means not usually available to characters for a friend to achieve something not in-line with IC means. Player A uses character 1 to assist a group of people to protect an area. Player B decides that since their character cannot take out Player A's character 1, they will instead go after another character on the same account, using constant userlist checks to see what the other character(s) are of player 1 and then a gamemaster codes a road in that was not there before, to allow Player B access to Player A's other char. PK carried out. Road fitted with a gate and unaccessible in the future. All of this being admitted to by both staff and PKer, only to be redacted from the forums after it was frowned upon by enough players. Not some random mud but one that has been on the top mud site list here off and on.

Too many immature players who disrespect the whole basis of what RP is all about. That is why I am open to the possibility of what a non-PK but RP mandatory world would be like. I know that they exist, so I know it is not an oxymoron. Are they common? No. Are they my only interest? No. If there is one that someone out there liked that fit a lot of my preferred criteria, I would definitely give it a look.

What mud is it that you play? I take it that you do not run into that type of abuse in your mud. I would like to see what your mud is like.
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Old 03-05-2014, 07:04 AM   #7
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Re: Looking for mud

So: most of the RPI muds fit most of your prerequisites, except most allow PK and most are permadeath. The thing I think you had problems with in the past, though (OOC-character switching to take out other characters) don't fly on the RPI's, as most are one-account, one character. There are also RPIs where PVP is very rare- I'll mention those below. In RPI games, IC PVP is usually handled in a severe fashion - people who try to indiscriminately kill everything (griefing) are generally stomped out by IC response. And players who do that repeatedly are generally dealt with OOCly, because that's not the point of those games. So yes, there's death- and sometimes not knowing what's behind it makes it seem senseless on occasion, but it does tend to make for some crazy stories when the entire city roils about the assassination of a favorite merchant by a foreign criminal element, etc.

ParallelRPI: Science fiction/post-apoc/survival MUD. A spin-off of the survival horror space odyssey AtonementRPI, Parallel follows the lives of survivors on a deserted prison colony on the Moon. Most of the conflict and combat in PRPI is PVE, fitting it's survival horror atmosphere. PVP is present, but pretty rare because the characters all exist n very close proximity. 6-10+ players at any time. Usually characters start out in one of the 3 clans, and cooperative hunting expeditions are fairly common.

Harshlands: This one I'm less familiar with, but it is a very large world with lots of religions and townships and things. PVP occurs in few and far between instances but I believe that on average characters are very, very long lived. 5-15 players.

ArmageddonMUD: So this is probably the mud that fits all of your other reqs the best (things to do solo, lots of groups to go out and do things with, lots of places to explore, highest population). You can get involved in anything from city state militia to trade guilds to criminal gangs to tribal war parties from the get go, or start your own. However, it's probably the harshest. There are a lot of characters who aren't going to be your friend in the mud, and the characters in your home town probably wouldn't mind selling you out for their own benefit. The tagline is Murder, Corruption, and Betrayal, so you can kind of get the idea.

All the above muds have lots of documentation to read, with Armageddon and HL having the most.

My suggestion would be to create a character on PRPI/HL because that might fit your bill really close, but to ALSO make a character in Armageddon and just try it. Make it with the mindset of: This is the story of 'Y's brief and beautiful life, and his tragic death'. And just have -fun- with it, no holds barred.

Check out the other muds mentioned too! I'm a serial mud-tryer-outer.

I really love the RPIs and I think what your dislikes about other muds (multiplaying, PVP being more an OOC construct than an IC consequence, RP-only-while-its-convenient) is why I eventually found myself solely playing them. Good luck!
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Old 03-10-2014, 01:44 PM   #8
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Re: Looking for mud

Hello Heptachord.

I would recommend those games already listed and will give you the pros and cons of Ateraan with each of your questions giving you the main benefits up front:

1. Large persistant, dynamic world, with nations and oceans, islands, and cities.

2. Ateraan has two starting locations (harsh and civilized). PK in the civilized area is much more rare and only occurs when you engage in conflict roleplay. If you don't, it is almost non-existant.

3. Houses, Mansions, Castles, and Ships. You can sail the ocean and battle pirates, explore islands, fish, or whale. You can own a house with servants, decor, etc.

4. Large player base. You can be involved in large invasions, events (player and staff run), adventure with large groups (10 or more).

5. Standard and Unique Guilds and Races.

6. Resurrected and Permadeath both dependant on the situation and roleplay.

7. Unique creative Guilds: Merchant/Trader who run some of the economy, Rogues who have no leadership, Warriors who whole purpose is honor (think Klingon), for example.

8. Rich history and background.

Things you specifically asked for:

* Has to be free to play for me at this time.
Playing is Free.

* RP mandatory or preferred.
Completely Mandatory and Immersive.

* Documentation or demonstrative.
Beyond Documented and Demonstrative. Ateraan has staff and guides to assist the new player in learning the aspects of the game. This is done both In Character and Out of Character for full understanding and immersion into the roleplay and world experience.

* Be welcoming to new players.
Same as above.

* No multiplaying allowed (playing more than one char at the same time.)
Playing a 2nd Character is allowed, but controlled by rules on seconds. Once you are in the world you will understand why some like Multiplaying is allowed, but it is controlled by rules.

* Enough of a population...
Large population. 100+

* Being able to get involved with something or a guild/organization after a reasonable amount of time...
All guild, religion, jobs, economy, politics is player run. You will join a guild based on that, however, the process is well documented and assisted so the speed at which you do so is entirely up to you.

* Equipment saves

* Persistent world
Yes and dynamic (things change in the world based on historic and ongoing timelines).

* Ability to have fun by yourself...
Yes. Even a guild dedicated to lone players.

* Housing would be awesome.
Yes. Houses, Mansions, Ships, Clans. As mentioned above.

* PK restricted or not at all.
Retricted to viable roleplay.

* encrypted connection would be nice as sometimes I play in areas common for wifi data to be intercepted (public places). Optional, though.
Up to your terminal and location. However, we have our own Java client that makes it Much easier to play from school or work.

* Being allowed to play more than one character (but only one logged in at any given time).
Yes. Second characters available within the rules.

Some of the Other Games listed look good too, so Good Luck and have fun!
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Old 03-11-2014, 02:59 PM   #9
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Re: Looking for mud

NWA has housing? Is that new? I guess I'd have to give it another shot, myself
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Old 03-12-2014, 06:54 PM   #10
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Re: Looking for mud

It's been around for awhile now, someone has even become a Baron and owns a castle. You should come back with a vengeance and find out who that Baron is! (was some great roleplay when they went through the ceremony. Only 2 people died)

And just to wet your whistle a bit, there are also 5 new areas opening up in the next couple months. If you can figure out what they are you will win 10 copper pieces.
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