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Old 06-24-2003, 04:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Grendal is on a distinguished road
After a long 3 months, Accursed Lands is back.

We don't have the web site up yet (as far as I know), but the game is running well.

You can reach us at port 8000

or port 8000

The server has been shipped to a couple people in it's 3 month long journey and has now at last found a home.

If you haven't tried out Accursed Lands before, you might want to give us a look.

An extremely loyal playerbase of about 100 - 150, with around 20 - 30 on at any one time.

An extremely large world ( 20 million + rooms)
A skill based, level-less system, lots of crafting, role playing, newbie friendly, great fighting system, shop ownership, an advanced tunneling system, great economy driven cities, player run events, and some magic in hidden areas.

After playing here for 5 years, I've only seen about 10 % of the world.

Come give us a try and see if it's the type of mud that you might like.

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Old 06-24-2003, 06:15 PM   #2
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:35 PM   #3
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Pet peeve here: A bunch of rooms generated on a grid is not impressive. We could have billions of rooms but it would be rather meaningless. How many unique rooms a mud has is much more telling than how large a grid the admins decided to create and then fill with auto-generated rooms.

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Old 06-24-2003, 08:20 PM   #4
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I agree with Logos, I think each room should be unique. There is always something to tell, and depending on how far the rooms are, who knows how long you traveled, I guess the Highlands of Scotland are all the same?
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Old 06-24-2003, 11:36 PM   #5
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Grendal is on a distinguished road
Imagine if you will that the World is composed of 20 million rooms and only about 6 cities inhabit this world (that you know of). The variety of land forms, fresh water lakes, oceans, underground caverns, forests, plains, mountains and all of the large variety of animal & plant life that inhabit the world as well.

In the Accursed Lands, you really get a feel for all of the land forms. Heavy woods are difficult to travel through and thus take more time as you try to push through the heavy brush and step over the fallen logs. Mountains are also time consuming to cross, just as they would be in real life.

In the game, just as in real life, the more you try something, the better you get at doing it. The more you travel in the mountains, the more you learn how to hike and deal with the thinning air, thus enabling you to travel over the mountains faster.

The same can be said with all of the skills of the Accursed Lands. The more you do, the more you learn, the better you become.

Our land & water forms

Plains, Light woods, Heavy woods, Mountains, Hills, Swamps, Rivers, Fresh water lakes, Salt water lakes, Oceans, Massive underwater areas, Caves, Extremely extensive mines, Thickets & Valleys.

Each area has it's own character & personality, just like the real world, filled with all the dangers that go along with it.

Accursed Lands may not be to your liking, but for me, I truly enjoy the experience. Maybe you will too.
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Old 06-25-2003, 12:21 AM   #6
The Vorpal Tribble
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I'd like to tell you a little, well, ok, maybe ALOT, about this MUD.

First off, we are a RP mandatory MUD. You are expected to at least try to make a character with a personality, a feel to them. Unless you are RPing a person who is bland and can expected to be boring and predictable. But that in itself is a personality.

The world is of a low gothic fantasy theme, roughly set in a medeival setting. Magic used to be used by many, and indeed, several races were created by those who practised with it. Then, around 300 years ago two races started up spells to take over the other. A third race meddled with both to see what would happen, and the resulting explosion and mess nearly destoryed the world. The very space around the planet was strained and great instabilites formed. The result was a world where what did live was much warped and many was mutated, for the result of the three spells caused magic to become forever unstable, warped, chaotic. Not living, but also not inert, the cancerous magic worked its way into much of life, and even that which was once dead. All creatures and races were forced to adapt and evolve or mutate to merely survive this strained and partially dead world. Three hundred years have passed since then and the world is finally starting to come back together. Forests of strange and overly large and warped growth grew, the dead were brought to life in places by the strange and chaotic magic taking over the functions, and magic forever became and uncertain and ultimately harmful art.

So far there are five races. There are a total of 13 that will, eventually, be playable. We would have them out sooner, but ever race has their own views, philosophy, lifestyles, quirks, hates, loves, hometowns, stories, histories and theme. Ever race has the equivalent of a novel's worth of background before they can be approved. And everyone of these races are all original. Even the humans have their own theme and quirks that makes them unique.

Current races:

A race that is barely out of barbarism, and many still live within it. They are a paranoid, unpredictable, suspicious, superstitious race that ofton as not kills first and examines what he/she just killed after. Such is the way of survival. 'WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY' sums it up for many. Few humans would dare touch magic, and most likely will destroy any spell they find, burn it, crush the ashes, and scatter the dust.

These are one of the races that were partially created by the use of magic. They were created by the Rowans, one of the races that caused the Breaking, by using magic to genetically combine the DNA of humans and a species of large felines. The result was a people that was stronger than the felines, much quicker than the humans, but not quite as quick as the felines or strong as the humans. They were forced to become the frontline fighters for the Rowan forces. They were an extraordinairily willful and stubborn species and the rowans were forced to torture many of them to fight. A rebellion was formed and they eventually escaped.
They're race, unlike humans who just hide out in walled cities and fortresses, mysrra rarely form any kind of permanent community and as a huge group, extended families, or even alone, they wander and survive and thrive in the midst of this dangerous world's wilderness. They are a fanatically loyal and honorable people who treat all those of their race as brothers and sisters and would give their life or the fur off their back for another. From other races they take no guff but also do not start fights.

A very bitter and sullen race who thinks the world went to pot just to spite them. They are pessimistic cranks who are generally live in tribes led by a Chief who almost always is just the strongest, greediest bully. They are not 'evil' but extremely untrustworthy and just as likely to knock you out and take your food and money as not. They feel that all the other races look down on them and scorn them (which is not exactly unture) and feel that they ought to have what everyone else has.

A race of scholars, philosophers, diplomats and observers. Many are pacifistic, though laid-back and understanding would be more accurate. Generally friendly and generous, they will aid when they can and stand up for themselves if the need is great enough. They are interested by everything and can be found in nearly every town watching and observing how the other races live and interact with each other. Herbalism, alchemy and many other studies of nature is the most common study. Their society, unlike most others, is generally of the level of the 1600's century, with expirements and inventions being worked on ofton. They are very saddened by the state of the world and its people but feel that it will eventually come out alright. They live in towns of advanced (compared to the rest) architecture built upon islands not far from land and instead of the mysrra who wander, and the humans who colonize, bramans tend to explore and sail, but return to their homes ofton.

A race of survivalist. Plain and simple. They are the only amphibious race in Terrinor and are usually mistaken for bramans who very very long ago were once the same people. An aquapurae's morals generally consist of 'Thou shalt not get caught'. They are pretty much parasites who weasel their way into places of power with the bramans or humans and leech off of them. They learn how best to exploit what each race fears and loves. Completely without scruples they will kill, thieve or spread rumors if it will advance themselves and their race and they can do it without getting caught. Around humans they will act as humans and laugh and jest and drink, but about bramans they become reserved, polite and gentle folk. An aquaepura under no circumstances should be trusted.

AL has a fantastic fighting system. No hitpools here. Depending on the health stat of your character each blow from whatever weapon that strikes you will leave a mark or cleave off a part of you.


body: slightly wounded.
head: in perfect health.
left arm: in perfect health.
left leg: in perfect health.
right arm: in perfect health.
right leg: in perfect health.
tail: in perfect health.

x body
You examine a body.
Your body.
It has an abrasion and a tiny cut.

If you get damaged enough the limb becomes unusuable until it heals. If it is a leg you'll fall to the ground, if it is an arm you'll drop whatever your holding in that hand. Hurt the head badly enough you go into a coma. Hurt the body too badly you likewise lose consciousness. If you loose a limb you must go around with a stub. Lose a head or destroy the body, adios.
You have eight styles you can adjust. Should you parry more, or be more concerned with getting past yiour opponent's parries? Be more on your attack, or be on the defensive. Try to control what your opponent can hit, or be more concerned trying to hit a specific part of your opponent. Dodge more, or throw yourself a little recklessly at your opponent. Choice is up to you.

AL also has a great crafting system where you can make a vast variety of items.

Grass weaving
Basket making
Leather working
Glass making
Metal working
Leather crafting

Just to name a few. And each one has dozens, if not hundreds of makeable items. From headbands and torches to war swords and canoes. The raw materials may or may not be easy to aquire. Want to make a jeweled necklace? First someone must mine the metal for the band and dig for the gem. The ore must then be smelted and the remaining metal worked into the needed shape. The jem must be cut and the pieces fitted together. Luckily most materials aren't this hard to comeby. To make something wooden it may not require anything more than pulling down a branch from a tree. Larger things require the cutting down of the tree with an axe before construction of many things. Leather objects require you have the skin of animals which much first be cornered, killed, skinned, tanned and as often as not, sewn.

Stats and skills effect much of what you see and experience. If you go into a town you have never been in you will not know the names of the streets, or where to find the library or the smithy, however, the more you wander about and visit the more you learn about the places and can 'recall' history and such of the place. You can also learn perception skills that will increase the detail of the descriptions you see in the rooms.
With this skill thieves will have a harder time pilfering from you, and assassins will have harder time sneaking up upon you.

AL also has no classes or other such obstructions and you can learn any skill another person can. Depending on your race and/or stats thing will be harder or easier to do or learn. A goblin might not even be able to get a spell going, while an aqua will quickly learn the intricasies. A mysrra might puzzle over a foreign language in a book while a braman could soon learn enough to understand it.

I hope this hasn't been too longwinded, but sometimes I get carried away with what I think is a great and rather addictive game.

Thank you for your time!

- VT
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Old 06-25-2003, 07:59 AM   #7
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Slanted is on a distinguished road
Sweet! I have been waiting for this game to open again for a while now so I can give it a try.

I think I am gonna try my hand at being a human smith. I only wish I could log on now, but the silly firewall at work won't allow me to play online video games (it seems they actually want me to WORK for my money, the rat bastards)

Anyway, I hope to log on tonight and see what y'all have to offer in the realm of blacksmithing

Just out of curiosity... do you have any Aquaepura basket weavers? I have never actually met someone who knew underwater basket weaving.
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Old 06-25-2003, 09:29 PM   #8
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:31 PM   #9
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I'm not opining that every room should be unique. We have millions of rooms too, but the rooms on a big 1000 x 1000 grid, for instance, don't really count as far as I'm concerned. Only about 15,000 of them are uniquely described. The generated ones definitely have uses (creating distance, for instance, is tedious without generated rooms), but it's misleading to promote yourself on a room count based off generated rooms. Just a pet peeve of mine.

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Old 06-26-2003, 08:08 AM   #10
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KaVir will become famous soon enoughKaVir will become famous soon enough
It's not really as clear-cut as that though. For example, which of the following would you include in the room count:

1) Blank room descriptions?

2) Very short (one or two line) hand-written descriptions?

3) Duplicated (via cut&paste) hand-written descriptions?

4) Very similar hand-written room descriptions?

5) Very poorly written room descriptions?

You also need to define "generated" - is it "generated" if you use OLC to create the room, rather than editing a text file? Is it "generated" if you run a separate program to generate the basic area layout, then hand-write all of the descriptions yourself? Is it "generated" if you run a program to assemble a basic description from thousands of previously hand-written sentences, then manually edit each one to make it unique? If so, how much would you have to manually edit for it to no longer be considered "generated"?

If a mud consists entirely of a billion generated rooms*, would it be more misleading to refer to it as having a "gigantic" world, or a "tiny" world?

* And yes, there are certain advantages to be gained from generating the entire world.
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Old 06-26-2003, 09:51 AM   #11
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Grendal is on a distinguished road
If you find that the number of rooms that a mud has is irrelevant, then so be it. My point in saying that AL has 20 million + rooms is simply a description of the size of the world.

It's BIG !!!

The world itself wraps around (just like the real world). If you travel east from point X, eventually you will come around to see point X again.

The eventually part takes about 3 months of real life traveling time. You will encounter all kinds of land & water forms, variuos animal & plant life, unseen areas of the world that perhaps, only YOU have seen. If you become lost, then you are lost and it may take you another 3-4 real life months to find your way back to civilization.

So, I begin to travel east from the plains. I see a small area of swamps ahead. I don't like swamps, so I begin to travel north east some. After a short time, I come to some hills, then the hills turn into moutains. I glance around and I see a bear hungry for it's next meal. I keep going.

Beyond the mountains I find a lightly wooded forest and a small lake to get a bit to drink along my journey. I forage through the weeds under brush, along the fallen logs and I find variuos herbs, some to eat, others that will heal, others that will poison if I don't know what I'm eating.

I travel farther northeast into heavy woods. I spot a deer. I get out my bow and load an arrow. I take careful aim and fire. My shot is good, but I've only angered the deer. It charges me. I instinctivly draw out my weapons. One of my clubs has a crack in it from a previous battle and it breaks after hitting the deer once. The deer charges and bashes my head. Another shot like that and I'll be dead. I make some alterations to my fighting style. (Increase attack some - Increase parry some). The fight ends a few moments later and I am still alive.

I get out my trusty knife and begin to skin the deer. After skinning, I butcher the meet. The skin can be used for a quick sale at a shop or be tanned into leather, which has many uses in various items of leather crafting. The meet can be eaten raw or sold at another shop. Eventually the horns, bones, perhaps even the blood will be able to be used for various crafting and or alchemical purposes.

This journey has only taken you 30 minutes or less into the world of the Accursed Lands. If you want to travel around the world, you still have another 3 (real life) months of traveling ahead of you. I hope you can swim !!!!!

It's a BIG world out there.
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Old 06-26-2003, 12:56 PM   #12
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Eh, I'm not interested in a precisedefinition of generated. It simlpy irrirtates me when muds promote themselves on the basis of generic, generated rooms. That's all. It's misleading, and most people know it.

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Old 06-26-2003, 02:20 PM   #13
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It's almost as annoying (but not quite) as muds which market themselves as free, but in reality there is cost involved. THAT is misleading, and you would think most people would know it, but hey, fools are born every minute eh?
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Old 06-26-2003, 02:24 PM   #14
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Grendal is on a distinguished road
> survey  

(A little over 300 rooms in this survey map alone)
tt = trees :: = plains ~~ = water

On a color map, the trees are a darker green, plains a lighter green and the water is blue.

> look
A buck with brown fur is standing to the southeast.
A doe with light brown fur is standing to the southeast.

> Yuzla sets in the east.

Lets take a look at combat

> A doe with light brown fur twitches her ears.

> draw sword
You draw an iron longsword
 > draw sword
You draw an iron longsword

> A buck with brown fur paws at the ground.


My Health:
body: in perfect health.
head: in perfect health.
left arm: in perfect health.
left leg: in perfect health.
right arm: in perfect health.
right leg: in perfect health.

> health deer 2

Deers Health:
body: in perfect health.
head: in perfect health.
left foreleg: in perfect health.
left hindleg: in perfect health.
right foreleg: in perfect health.
right hindleg: in perfect health.
tail: in perfect health.

> kill deer 2

You begin to jog off to a doe with light brown fur, brandishing an iron longsword and iron longsword.

> You stop in front of a doe with light brown fur.

You advance on a doe with light brown fur!
A doe with light brown fur turns to fight you!

A doe with light brown fur rears up on her hind legs.

You rush forward and shave her left hindleg with your iron longsword!

You slip through her guard and scrape her body with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously careen away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

A doe with light brown fur swiftly evades your iron longsword.

You lunge in and slice her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You quick as lightning leap out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

aim leg
You will aim for your opponent's "leg", if it has one.

You contemptuously leap away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

You get inside her guard and gash her left hindleg with your iron longsword!

You easily duck under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You get past her defenses and gash her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

You luckily leap out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

A doe with light brown fur contemptuously evades your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur skillfully eludes your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur just barely leaps away from your iron longsword.

health deer 2

You contemptuously dodge a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You rapidly evade a doe with light brown fur's head.

A doe with light brown fur skillfully ducks under your iron longsword.

Deers Health:
body: in perfect health.
head: in perfect health.
left foreleg: hurt.
left hindleg: slightly wounded.
right foreleg: in perfect health.
right hindleg: slightly wounded.
tail: in perfect health.
You skillfully leap out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You slip through her guard and slash her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously roll out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You feint to the right and shave her left hindleg with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur just barely dodges your iron longsword.

You get past her defenses and deeply gash her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously dodge under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You rush forward and slash her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur swiftly leaps out of the way of your iron longsword.
health deer 2

Deers Health:
body: in perfect health.
head: in perfect health.
left foreleg: injured.
left hindleg: hurt.
right foreleg: in perfect health.
right hindleg: hurt.
tail: in perfect health.

| > (side note - this single bar to the left represents my fatigue. I am growing tired as the fight progresses)

You contemptuously jump away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

A doe with light brown fur easily avoids your iron longsword.

You quick as lightning jump away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

A doe with light brown fur casually darts away from your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur quickly sidesteps your iron longsword.

You contemptuously sidestep a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

A doe with light brown fur quick as lightning dodges your iron longsword.

You casually dodge under a doe with light brown fur's head.

A doe with light brown fur quickly dodges under your iron longsword.

You sneak past her defenses and shave her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously dodge under a doe with light brown fur's head.

You get inside her guard and cut her right foreleg with your iron longsword!

You quick as lightning dodge under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You contemptuously scramble out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's

A doe with light brown fur contemptuously evades your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur swiftly evades your iron longsword.

You slip through her guard and rake her body with your iron longsword!

You just barely roll out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You force past her defenses and puncture her left foreleg with your iron

A doe with light brown fur's left foreleg is crippled!
A doe with light brown fur's left foreleg buckles under her and she falls to the ground.

health deer 2

body: slightly wounded.
head: in perfect health.
left foreleg: broken.
left hindleg: hurt.
right foreleg: hurt.
right hindleg: badly hurt.
tail: in perfect health.
| >
You contemptuously dodge a doe with light brown fur's head.

You get past her defenses and scrape her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You get past her defenses and slice her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously dart away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You charge forward and nick her body with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously dodge a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You contemptuously leap away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

You rush forward and severely jab her body with your iron longsword!

A buck with brown fur sniffs at the ground.

You dodge to the side and deeply gash her head with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously elude a doe with light brown fur's head.

You contemptuously jump away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You rush forward and shave her right foreleg with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur skillfully eludes your iron longsword.

You contemptuously dart away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

You slip through her guard and scrape her body with your iron longsword!

health deer 2

body: hurt.
head: slightly wounded.
left foreleg: broken.
left hindleg: hurt.
right foreleg: hurt.
right hindleg: badly hurt.
tail: in perfect health.

|| > You feint to the left and score her body with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously duck under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You lunge in and graze her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously leap out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's head.

You get past her defenses and graze her head with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur just barely rolls out of the way of your iron

A doe with light brown fur skillfully dodges under your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur looks around wildly.

You quick as lightning dart away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You charge forward and jab her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously leap away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

You contemptuously jump away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

A doe with light brown fur scarcely evades your iron longsword.

A buck with brown fur lifts up his head briefly and sniffs the air.

A doe with light brown fur quick as lightning evades your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur swiftly leaps away from your iron longsword.

You contemptuously leap out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You quick as lightning dodge a doe with light brown fur's head.

You sneak past her defenses and scathe her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

You quick as lightning dart away from a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You lunge in and puncture her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You skillfully scramble out of the way of a doe with light brown fur's head.

A doe with light brown fur contemptuously careens away from your iron

You easily evade a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You quick as lightning evade a doe with light brown fur's head.

You rush forward and gash her left foreleg with your iron longsword!

You get inside her guard and shave her body with your iron longsword!

You contemptuously dart away from a doe with light brown fur's head.

You quick as lightning dodge under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You contemptuously dodge a doe with light brown fur's head.

A doe with light brown fur just barely eludes your iron longsword.

You dodge to the side and nick her body with your iron longsword!

increase aim some

                             Combat Style
Aim       |               *                                  | Control
Offensive |                                                 *| Dodge
Daring    |                                                 *| Parry
Power     |                                                 *| Speed
Attack    |                    *                             | Defense

||| > A doe with light brown fur skillfully slides under your iron longsword.

You get inside her guard and graze her body with your iron longsword!

You quick as lightning duck under a doe with light brown fur's hoof.

You contemptuously evade a doe with light brown fur's head.

You dodge to the side and severely jab her right hindleg with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur's right hindleg is crippled!
A doe with light brown fur's right hindleg buckles under her and she falls to the ground.

You dodge to the side and shave her body with your iron longsword!

A doe with light brown fur's body is crippled!
A doe with light brown fur's body goes limp.

You hit a doe with light brown fur, who is unconscious, with your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur's left foreleg is ripped off!

You hit a doe with light brown fur, who is unconscious, with your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur's left hindleg is ripped off!

You hit a doe with light brown fur, who is unconscious, with your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur's right hindleg is ripped off!

You hit a doe with light brown fur, who is unconscious, with your iron longsword.

A doe with light brown fur's head is ripped off!
A doe with light brown fur dies right before your eyes.

Grassy plains

Obvious exits: nothing
It is well lit here.
The plains are flat and grassy.  Trees here are rare, if at all.  Some wildflowers grow in the grassy plains.  The occasional breeze blows the grass to the side.  
This area is vast.  The air is eerily still.  
A fresh deer corpse is right next to you.
A deer head is right next to you.
Two deer hindlegs are right next to you.
A deer foreleg is right next to you.
A buck with brown fur is standing right next to you.
================================================== ================
|||| > A buck with brown fur paws at the ground.


You are Grendal.
You are standing here ready to jog.
You feel peckish and you feel not thirsty.
You are haggard.

|||| > A buck with brown fur lifts up his head briefly and sniffs the air.


body: in perfect health.
head: in perfect health.
left arm: in perfect health.
left leg: in perfect health.
right arm: in perfect health.
right leg: in perfect health.

I have 4 bars of fatigue. If I should reach 10 bars of fatigue I will passout and more than likely be killed.

This fight isn't too long and it goes slow enough so that you can run away if you find yourself too hurt, change fighting styles, have witty banter with someone you are sparring with or taunt an enemy.

Some fights can be much much shorter.

Such as...He slips by your guard and cleaves your head off.

You have been killed !!

It can and does happen like that.
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Old 07-01-2003, 01:02 PM   #15
The Vorpal Tribble
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Old 07-01-2003, 01:49 PM   #16
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Huh, yeah, that would be annoying! Which muds do that?

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Old 07-01-2003, 02:30 PM   #17
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I'd also like to add something to the whole room complaint. As far as I can see, the world is pretty geologically and environmentally accurate. Large mountain ranges have rainshadows, there's very rarely inland bodies of salt water, rivers wind through mountains but straighten out as they reach more flat land. Foothills are there, and at least one series of islands clustered together, a common formation. Patches of light forest amidst the plains. And I'm sure there's more that I'm not seeing. So yes, I think those rooms are worth mentioning and counting as seperate rooms, because the whole effect is staggeringly beautiful. When I play, I can feel myself in the world, I'm not just on a grid of artificially planted forests with a few hills and some plains around a city.
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Old 07-01-2003, 04:00 PM   #18
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Well, if we're going to be counting generated rooms as rooms, there's little point in having the info on muds here list room count. Apparently over 10k rooms makes you huge, but it's easy as pie to have billions of rooms. All we have to do, for instance, is do up a graphical map and then run it through a converter to generate as many grid-based rooms as we want. In fact, it takes no more effort to generate a billion rooms than it does to generate a thousand. Just change the scale of the grid so that it's more rooms to the mile or kilometer. That forest that had 100 rooms now has a million, without anything having changed about it but the scale of the individual rooms.
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Old 07-01-2003, 07:40 PM   #19
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Completely custom, w/full-time staff. Player-run cities, guilds, clans, religious Orders. Massive world, roleplaying events, intense combat, politics, and economics. Detailed and coherent world and history. Free but commercial. 400+ players at peak. --From Achaea's listing on TMS, emphasis added by me.

Obviously you're going to claim a loophole here, likely having to do with putting a lot of extra emphasis on what commercial means, or argue that your in-game benefits for those with real-world money don't affect its free status. However, I'm not going to get into it here, as this topic really deserves its own thread in a different section.
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Old 07-02-2003, 11:10 AM   #20
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