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Old 01-24-2014, 05:12 PM   #1
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Vexed_AL is on a distinguished road
Accursed Lands - Seeking Players

Before I begin, most of you will notice that Accursed Lands is still marked as being in beta. It’s important to clarify that this does not mean the world is largely broken! It just means it is constantly under development and being improved. Most all of the core systems are in place , stable, and have been for years! Any progress you make on a character is saved and will not be wiped.

Accursed Lands is a role play MUD with very strong underlying mechanics/systems to keep things grounded. You don't have to be an incredibly amazing role player to fit in, you just have to have the ability to consistently play a character and maintain IC/OOC separation. AL is also ran on a heavily modified code-base so no worries about logging in to a cookie cutter MUD either.

Brief Overview:
The game is set in the post-apocalyptic world of Terrinor, where a dark-ages level of technology predominates. Ages ago, a cataclysmic event known as The Breaking was caused by the escalation of magic in a war between the kiisic and rowan races. Neither of these races have been seen since, but remnants remain. Some of the other races were either enslaved as laborers or created by them for use as soldiers. The rest simply existed alongside them and chose a side to fight for. Now, these races are rebuilding and finding their own way in what's left of the world. Magic still exists, but is feared and hated. Mages are hunted and killed if discovered.

Playable Races:
The world of Terrinor is rich in history, theme, and culture. The quality of writing that is displayed throughout the MUD is simply unparalleled. Every nook and cranny has been evocatively described, even "mundane" areas become unique and fascinating.

Another point of difference I notice in the writing standards is the high degree of objectivity. Rooms are not simply described as "messy" or "cluttered", which imposes a feeling onto the player and forces them to react in a certain way. The “mess”is described in intricate detail, in a completely objective manner and the player is allowed to respond, as their character feels appropriate

AL's cities and towns are populated by intelligent NPCs also, unlike the statues that you can see in other MUDs and their NPCs, AL's NPCs can hold a meaningful conversation, perhaps revealing necessary clues in your quest for power. Each one has their own opinions, and each one is treated with the same respect you would treat a player.

Now on to some mechanics that make AL unique!

Wilderness and Survey System:
While in the wilderness, the world actually has an overhead map that updates as you travel. It also updates based on the time of day and seasons. The distance you can see on this map is determined by your stats, and any obstructions that may be in your way such as trees or mountains. It’s easier just to show you:

In the above example the * represents where you are located. Since this character is flying they can see quite a distance even over the mountains and forest (represented by TT). Moving a tile to the south would update your “survey” with * (you) always being centered. These tiles are all actually “3D” as well. Traveling through them will take time depending on the type of terrain and your skill in traveling it. There are also sky tiles above then and an underworld below. These tiles are also alive with wild animals, both hostile and passive. A point of interest such as a city or ruins is indicted by a # on the survey map. Entering a point of interest will lead into rooms connected in more a traditional way all MUDders are familiar with:

The crafting system in AL is incredibly detailed and constantly improved. Raw resources are pulled from the environment and use associated tools to make a massive array of items. For example, if located in a forest wilderness tile mentioned above, simply typing “get stick” would provide you with a raw material for whittling. Pull out your knife and give it a shot. At first you can only create basic items such as a torch, but with practice, much more complex items are possible. There are many crafting skills, a few of which are: carpentry, glass working, smithing, leather working, weaving, stone carving, and butchery.

Skills and Stats:
Character Generation begins with you choosing a race and physical attributes to make you unique such as eye color, hair style, etc. You are then asked a series of multiple choice questions about your characters early/teen life. Your answers will determine your starting skills and stats so that you are not simply dumped into the world completely terrible at everything.

As mentioned earlier, you get better at skills by practicing them. Pretty much everything has a skill whether they be crafting, combat related, or somewhere in between. Even exploring a major city will increase your knowledge about that place enabling you to recall more information about it or recognize more street names. While there are not levels in terms of “Level 10 at climbing” you are still able to track your progress with messages like, “You guess you are roughly above average at climbing.” There is a help file to figure out where that generally falls in the grand scheme of things.

Combat is also fairly unique. Starting combat with an NPC/PC will begin an slightly automated process where attacks, blocks, and dodges are exchanged by a system taking into account your stats, skills, your posture, how encumbered you are, and even how well you can see in the rooms current lighting conditions. You control how your character fights by adjusting sliders associated with your characters combat style skills:

As you can see, there are 10 style skills, all of which can be improved with practice as mentioned before. They are diametrically opposed to each other. For example, increasing your power will take away from your speed. In the above picture all styles are being utilized at 50% except for attack which is at 75%... leaving defense with 25%. Armor can wear out and need repair from taking hits. Parrying with weapons will damage them over time.

Health is divided up according to limbs on your character such as head, right arm, left arm, etc. While there are hitpoints based on race and stats behind the scenes, the player will only see “in perfect health”, or “horribly injured” when typing the “health” command. If your leg breaks, you’ll fall down and be unable to get up. An arm? You’ll drop whatever you were holding in that arm’s hand. Head or body? You’ll be knocked unconscious until your body manages to heal itself or you are killed by further blows to those body parts.

You can also be knocked unconscious by tiring and passing out. This is kept track of with the “fatigue” command as well as an indicator that is constantly shown. It looks like this:

In this example the character is very tired, not far from passing out. When not tired at all you’d only see the blue > without the bars behind it. One more red bar and it’s lights out. There are many ways to get rid of fatigue, lying down and sleeping among them.

Permanent Death:
Permanent death exists in AL but it is not as simple as dying and game over, new character. Every character starts with a “fetish” which is just a piece of simple jewelry. As long as you are wearing this item when dead, you will be automatically resurrected after an hour and 15 minutes taking some loss of skills and stats. Another player can also resurrect you before then to lessen the stat/skill penalty using an in game ritual. If however, you are not wearing your fetish, or it is taken from your body while you are dead, when the hour and 15 minute time elapses your character will be dead permanently. Taking a fetish from someone is considered to be a very serious choice not to be taken lightly. Doing so will cause your character to incur a massive amount of fatigue, knocking you out, and rendering you vulnerable for quite awhile.

Magic does exist in the game but you’re not going to just create a new character that comes with a fireball spell. As mentioned earlier, magic is feared, hated, and considered incredibly taboo to even speak of. After all, it nearly destroyed the world and most races are lucky to have survived at all. To become a mage and find spells you’re going to have to dig, piece together information, and be persistent. It is not something you’ll want to advertise. You may find great power, but few things are sweeter for many players than killing a mage threatening to bring back the ancient ways.

We hope you join us and we would be honored to have you give us a chance.

TL;DR roleplay, rich theme, wilderness map, complex crafting system, player houses & shops, permanent death, dynamic combat, in depth magic, levelless skills/stats, underworld.
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Old 01-25-2014, 04:19 PM   #2
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Re: Accursed Lands - Seeking Players

I figured I'd poke around, but the password email is blank.

Can't log in!
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Old 01-25-2014, 04:30 PM   #3
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Re: Accursed Lands - Seeking Players

Have someone working on it, sorry about that. Of all the times for the mailer to freak out :P
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Old 01-25-2014, 09:12 PM   #4
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arden is on a distinguished road
Re: Accursed Lands - Seeking Players

just got an email from someone called fragment about that after signing up and getting a blank email.... think he's gonna fix it
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Old 01-25-2014, 09:38 PM   #5
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Vexed_AL is on a distinguished road
Re: Accursed Lands - Seeking Players

Yep, he is a creator and can forward the broken emails. The head creator will be taking a look and getting it sorted out in a bit. Really annoying that the automatic mailer broke but it can be fixed. Sorry about the inconvenience guys!
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