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Old 06-19-2002, 06:26 PM   #1
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Old 06-21-2002, 09:40 PM   #2
Alexander Tau
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I am a little mystified here, are you looking for comments on what you are doing or expansions to add to it? I am all for crafting systems and yours sounds fine, it certainly has been done elsewhere but that does not matter if it adds to the game.

This is the only sort of reply I can make right now cause I am not sure what the question, or exact point you are making.

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Old 06-22-2002, 04:28 PM   #3
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Old 06-23-2002, 05:07 AM   #4
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That is an interesting system.

Can players only combine two ingredients, or can they mix more than two? The syntax for too many would get extremely messy, however; a limit of four would probably keep things at a decent place between complexity and simplicity. The basic idea is, so far as I can tell, your idea for mixing potions. Mix blueberries and strawberries and get a restore health potion, but mix blueberries, strawberries and grapes to get a restore health/restore stamina potion. Same idea as mixing blueberries and strawberries to get restore health, then mixing strawberries and grapes to get restore stamina, then mixing both potions together.

Mixing ingredients could have a higher chance of failure, but better chance at a higher quality potion, while simply mixing potions would have a lower chance of failure but weaker potions (due to dilution). Combined potions could also weigh more, since there would be twice as much water than if one were to make one potion.

Have you considered alchemical apparati, such as a mortar and pestle? Players wouldn't have to have these, but they would help to create better potions; mortar and pestle could determine initial quality, since finely-ground ingredients are more likely to release more of their juices into the brew. Different grades of the apparati would add even more dimension to the system - a wooden or unglazed clay mortar and pestle would likely absorb some juices into the wood or clay as you crush the ingredient, but one made of ceramic or glazed clay wouldn't, allowing a potion to be more potent.
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Old 06-23-2002, 06:04 AM   #5
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Old 06-26-2002, 02:41 AM   #6
Alexander Tau
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It also helps to put your idea in context, at least the basics: RP level, basic structure (Class, no Class, etc), and what in general players focus their attention on.

For me things like a mortar and pestle would make a simple system into something with some substance. I also think bringing some actual skill into the matter helps a lot. What I mean by that is the idea that you have to practice to get good, not just in points but in real ability. For example I would make the brewing time something that varies based on what you are trying to accomplish. So if you brew one potion for 60 secs to get maximum power you might instead brew for 5 minutes to get maximum duration.

This sort of information should vary widely for each potion, and require a lot of effort to really get good at the process. Sure over time people will write docs with info you would rather not have out, but that is just part of online life to be accepted and embraced. For me there is a simple test, if one player can learn the system and post info that makes it a snap for anyone else then it is a BAD system.

This sort of activity is what we do in games, and brewing could be really involving and unique process. Or you can cater to players and their desire for quick, cheap, thrills and just make it quick and powerful.

It all depends on what sort of play you really want to inspire, and what options you wish to give to players.

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Old 06-26-2002, 03:11 AM   #7
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Problem is: I don't have a mud to run it on. I'm working on one but I want it to be different first, and tested well, before I get it on.

The ideas I tend to make are for both rp-ers non rp-ers.
I like the idea of varying time to make to create more powerful potions, I could actually make it so that every potion has it own basic length or it will fail to be made.

I was going to implement it as a skill, cause I think only alchemists and perhaps druids could make potions by brewing. Maybe other people could too but at alot lower chance of succeeding.

But this is all as how I would like to see it, I don't mind if someone else does it differently. I don't own this "idea" anyone can implement it as they want. I would just love to see it, so gimme a message if you do

Greetings Dre
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Old 06-26-2002, 05:23 AM   #8
Alexander Tau
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You certainly can make systems that work in both RP and non-RP settings, so I am not saying this is an impossible goal. But there are a few choices a game designer makes that are so powerful they do add and eliminate the usefulness of certain concepts or systems.

The simplist way I have ever found to explain the vast differences between a full RP game and the others is by comparing them in pseudo-mathmatic style.

If a game is non based on RP what you have is something like this:

X is the number of commands a player can issue
Y is the number of settings, objects, monsters, items in the game
Z is the number of political, social, religious, or other groupings/concepts

So in a way you can say that any player has X*Y*Z options to pusue. This number might be pretty large, really big even, but it is a finite thing.

RP is infinite because it is driven by the complexity that is called a human being. All the emotions, drives, history, thoughts, inner needs, and a lot of other things that go into making us the unique creatures we all are. The tricky part is that RP encompases the X*Y*Z code into itself, it is infinite after all so that makes sense.

A focus on RP brings a lot of complete reversals in logic, things that would be laughed at are admired, and it works both ways. In an RP game it is perfectly logical to keep using the crossbow that you got from your Mentor even when a more powerful weapon becomes available. In a game about points this is beyond stupid and might bar you from ever advancing beyond the beginning of the game.

But all styles are valid, people should play in a way that makes them happy as long as it does not overly make others unhappy. I love obnoxious Characters, I ban rude Players. I added this paragraph to reduce any potential flame activity.

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Old 07-02-2002, 10:05 PM   #9
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Well vague or not your post i think puts a nice tilt for the potential of expanding skill based commands. I like your idea greatly considering it gives a more realisitic feel. I know in SMAUG, components are used in some of the stock spells as well as mana. I propose that your idea for skills such as *brew* being component based is a way to better challenge the player.
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Old 07-25-2002, 10:56 AM   #10
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The MUD I play at () is trying to go mostly RP, so it's no surprise that on the coding to-do list was a bunch of crafting skills. For my first project on that mud, I picked something that looked easy, alchemy (essentially brewing). To make a long story short, I've written a system like this, and here's how it works:

You need:
Flask (holds from 1-5 doses)
Mortar & Pestle (can make potions better/worse) {Only for solids}
Mixingbowl (Can make potions better/worse)
Components (Can be solid/liquid {maybe gas later})

You need 1 and only 1 liquid component in each potion, and it determines how the potion takes effect. 4 different methods: can be used on food, drink, on an edged weapon, or just contact with the skin. In addition, any potion can be drunk/quaffed.

Potions are evaluated:
Stickiness: Determines how easily they affect the person
Potency: Level the spells are cast at
3 spells: Which can be any that can be cast, atm

The commands:
alchemy <component>: Prepares a component in the mixingbowl
alchemy mix: Creates the potion
alchemy mix {again}: Puts the potion in the flask
alchemy check: Sees which components you have used
alchemy dump: Empties the mixingbowl (all components so far are wasted)
alchemy name <potion> <newname>: Adds 1 alias to the the potion's name. Multiple uses replace each other

The three spells are randomly determined by the spells on the different components. The potency is the average of the potency of the components, modified by the skill level. So I could mix a glass of treated water and two herbs (no method for in-game distribution so far) and get:

a green clear potion:
potency: 400%
affect: drinking

(the player wouldn't know any of this. have to learn it by experimentation or from another player who knows)
Then with that potion you would have to A) Envenom a drink you're holding and give it to someone.... B) Drug a fountain in a room C) Drug a drink someone else is holding
Since you have to eat/drink.....

Oh, I forgot to mention: various things about the potion's description tip it off. The consistency and color signify different things.
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