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Old 02-08-2010, 05:57 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Kreagan is on a distinguished road
Legends of Xenobia: A little about Myself

HI THERE! My name is Kreagan. Most people in my land refer to me as Lord of Strength, War, Forging, and Craft, which is nice but I just want to let you know a little about myself and Xenobia.

I've been playing Legends of Xenobia for quite a long time. I was
not one of the the first characters to play, but I loved how I was
immediately immersed in an ongoing story of a land where a pantheon of
gods waged unending war against each other in an odd vortex of chaos
and order. Each mortal lived their life in a thriving society where
everyday was a day to be blessed with the mysteries of fate. Stories
are told of great feats performed by heroes of the time and rejoicing
is had over winning spoils.

My view on games took a new level when I gave Legends of Xenobia a
shot. I used to be a hack and slash mudder running around and killing
stuff and changing games out of boredom and the hope of a better
build. Xenobia intrigued me with the interest of a dungeons and
dragons scenario based upon forgotten realms and a roleplay enforced
atmosphere. When I created my character I was given everything I
needed in the new area.

After I created my character I was in the temple of Nymus, the
Deciever. I was Valynus, a neutral-evil tiefling assassin. I learned
quickly in my gameplay after a routine hack and slash level attitude,
that I WAS Valynus and that my actions had consequence....and reward.
I was at the feet of the High Priestess of Necrucian, The Dark Father
and Lord of the Nine-Hells. I was given a chance at keeping my life by
gathering information on the actions of their antithesis: followers of
the scale, the forge, Humor, and Enlightenment. Mythandor, Kraegon,
Boe, and Gealin respectively. Within times playing I had met members
of every faith out there. Every follower had their own way of worship
and lived among each other every day.

Without going into alot more detail (and I could) after I gave this
mud a shot, there was no other game I could play. The players there
are extremely friendly and understand this is a game. There is always
time to spare to welcome a new member to the family, and that is what
it always feels like a clan of players out to play a fun game.

I implore you to join us at legends of Xenobia. Flesh out a new
character and let the story sweep you off your feet.

No better place to be than Legends of Xenobia. Tons of
rooms, quests, roleplay, and lots of reward/treasure!
All the people are friendly and fun, and everyone loves
to help new players gain their bearings in the land.
Multiple cities and zones make up a vast overland map that
includes vast forests, and rivers. The greatest part is it's
EASY to learn,and the game is ALWAYS growing. New area's and
ideas are being implemented to match the new styles ofthe gamer

The game has a good sized pantheon of staff immortals who
love to get involved with their faith and we LOVE to help
new players get on-board for the adventure that awaits.
We welcome you in the land of Xenobia where an abundant
mix of races and monsters, and a host of classes await
your decision. Whether you love to kill, sit around with your
faith brothers and sisters, protect the world,pursue knowledge,
or wield powerful magic - Seriously...It's not just a game, it's
something much greater.

Xenobia definitely has something for you!
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Old 02-08-2010, 05:58 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2
Kreagan is on a distinguished road
Re: Legends of Xenobia: A little about Myself

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Last edited by Kreagan : 02-08-2010 at 06:42 PM. Reason: Adding current info
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Old 02-18-2010, 04:20 AM   #3
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 3
Syne is on a distinguished road
Re: Legends of Xenobia: A little about Myself

I have something to say about this mud.

There are muds that you search for and there are muds you can easily forget in a heartbeat. I tried LoX and here is a mini review.

Upon log in I was greeted with an interesting impossibility. 'Read the fifty or so helpfiles.' Alright, being a trooper I read them all. Most are common sense but anyways. I went on and went through their explanations on how their mud works. After wading through all that information I finally got to decide, evil, neutral, good, what race/class I wanted. Not knowing a thing of the game I made a follower of Justice. Got into the game and was politely welcomed by an immortal. Gealin to be exact, it made me feel special, like my character was truly welcome. Anyway, fast forward, after hitting level 10 or 15, I decided, well let me try the rp, the levels were normal, nothing jumping at you. Granted it took me hours to get to these levels. But, I went to the square and sat around, pretty soon rp came to me. The level that they emote/smote at is a step above other places. Yes, I've played quite a few mud's in my years, most rp. I thought, well that is one player. How are the rest? It did not take me long to find out. Everyone I have run into is at a quality of rp we have not seen in years. So, they hooked me.

Now for the bad side to such a small community. I got really close with three people on there and due to a misunderstanding almost walked away from what has become my home. So I have a bit of advice to the ones who want to try this mud.

1. If you get offended over something said in jest, tell them.
2. See above.

Anyways, back to the review. To summarize.

They took me into their heart and I took them into mine. You will find great friends here and even better rp'ers. Come give them a try.

Last edited by Syne : 02-18-2010 at 04:30 AM.
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