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Old 11-09-2022, 10:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 1
TMSAdmin is on a distinguished road
TMS Going Inactive.

Hi all,

The downtime earlier today was because the primary hard drive failed. As I have to do some work to recover the site anyway, this is a good time to make a change I have been considering for some time now.

TMS is going inactive as a forum and a voting site. The front page is now a list of the all-time top MUDs based on votes over almost the lifetime of the site (since the new database in 2006). The forums will remain as a reference but are also read only. I will be reaching out to advertisers on the site over the next few days to pro-rate a refund based on time left.

If I am made aware that MUDs on the list have closed I will grey them out but keep them in the list for the history. I will also still update addresses if I can verify the person requesting it is an admin of the MUD, you can email me for those at webmaster/ There will be no other updates other than a little clean up on the front page.

There are several reasons for this, but the main ones are being tired of the endless cat-and-mouse game with people trying to cheat the vote and generally not being interested in the site. I am keeping the static page and forum rather than selling the site as there is over 20 years of history here that I want to preserve. This will also leave it open for someone else to start a more modern mud voting or ranking site.

I have gotten to know many MUD owners over the years here and, although not so much in recent years, I have been around anonymously on a lot of the games and enjoyed playing them.

Take care and good luck with your MUDS - it has been a pleasure.

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